Thanks for sending me the information on Asperger's Syndrome (sp?). Well, I have to say that I do have many of the symptoms that were mentioned. In school, math was the only subject that I was good at. It was strange, because most kids I knew had trouble with math. My dad also told me that when I was about 4 years old I could count from 1 to 100 in both English and Spanish.
After kindergarden, I was put in Special Education classes. In kindergerden, I always got in trouble for speaking out and asking up. So my way of dealing with it is that I became quiet and never reacted at all. I suppose that being in Special Education classes was good for me, because I always hung out with the same group of people. However, it all changed when I went to Junior High. I began to withdraw. In High School it got worse. I never really talked to anyone.
Today, well I have no friends since I moved to Las Vegas. There are a few guys that I know in the cab company that I work for, but nothing close. I like I have said before, my problem is that I don't pick up on social cues. When I am with people I tend to be very paranoid and neurotic. I am always wondering how I should act and what I should say. As a result I don't end up talking that much to people and they think that I don't like them, which is not true. And on the other hand, I can do or say the most offensive thing in the world and not realize that I have done something wrong.
I wish that I could go to college, but I am not sure what career I would choose, plus I wouldn't be able to handle the pressure.
Anyway, I wish I could be normal. I see people walking with their friends and spouses or girlfriends or boyfriends. God, I envy them! I wish that could be me.
Well, now that I read this article I am not sure what to do. I would like to talk to a doctor about this, but I am not sure who to go to. Mulan do you know of what kind of specialist I should go to? Anyway, thanks for the information.