My children saw the pain & suffering caused by the body of elders ,over a period of years covering brothers & sisters shuning my children & taking sides with the elders in stead of righteouse acts,continuing in to a second congregation,falsley accused of gossiping ,etc which was investigated & found untruthfull the perpertraters were elders wives,as i stood up to the elders over wrongfull practices within the congregation them accusing them of being bent,etc
On the bright side ime not complaining as the truth has been made even clearer to me & my family .
THE TRUTH will set you the film ( THE MATRIX ) Your offerd a pill to swallow ,red pill or blue pill
Take the Red pill & you remain the same nothing changes ,everything remains the same
Take theBlue pill & all things will change ,you will be set free ,you will see the word of god ( the creator)
you will be on the road to freedom No more a Victim
What are you going to do.its your choice