should jws ride horses/use wheels?

by badboy 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • badboy

    I understand that Epona(Celtic goddess)was assoiceted with horses and fertility as well as possibly assoiceted with the Isis cult in Egypt.

    Wheels were considered 2 B religious symbols.

    In view of the fact that both wheels and horses have pagan connections,should jws avoid them?

  • badboy

    I have been 2 years on this board,here 2 the next 2 years! Cheers!

  • LDH

    No, I do not think they should avoid wheels at all!

    I think every active JW should rush out and find some!!!

    To be precise, 18 wheels!!!

    And stand directly in front of them.


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Riding horses? I think horses should be ridden at every opportunity, pagan or not. <grin>

    Country Girl

  • Mary

    Absolutely not! All JWs should now abandon their cars, and walk everywhere, just like Jesus did. For the rich, they can ride an ass into town.

    Let's see the Circuit Overseers get from congregation to congregation without a freakin' car.

  • troucul

    I believe wheels are ok...

    Horses on the other hand, are not. You see, because one must straddle a horse in order to ride it, it may provide excess sexual stimulation to private parts on the body. Christians are urged to stay away from them because after riding a horse one may become so aroused that they need to engage in bestiality. Therefore, horseback riding is immoral. "Deaden therefore your body members".

  • betweenworlds

    They should absolutely avoid wheels. I mean after all, such dangerous pursuits as skydiving, contact sports, bull fighting, etc. are frowned on, how much more so should things involving wheels be avoided by true christians. How many people die each year in accidents on the highways? Many more than die in the other aforementioned activities I'm sure! Leave your vehicles now true witnesses of Jehovah! Get your temple of the Lord straight away into the house lest some danger befall you :)

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