Elsewhere on this forum, the subject of Witness suicide came up. Some project
images of Jonestown and a dying organization ordering its membership to take their
own lives.
Given the prominence of the Legal Dept. in the organization these days, I find this
notion very unlikely. Why be overt when you can be sly?
...but that doesn't rule out the likelihood of silent, discreet suicides among
Witnesses in the future.
At some point, it will become obvious to all but the most dim-witted Witnesses
that the 'truth' is fading away into history, its numbers inflated, its money
dwindling, its young people slinking away, its doctrines exposed and indefensible.
When that day comes, many older Witnesses will find themselves painted into a corner
after decades of Watchtower indoctrination. Many will be stranded in time, with little
money put aside - and cut off from 'unfaithful' relatives they shunned and 'worldly'
people they ignored.
Some will stop taking vital medication - some will take overdoses - others will simply
pass away, as if by simple force of will.
How do I know? I'VE SEEN IT HAPPEN! Many Witnesses have survived for years using
fantasy as a crutch - a device that will be pulled away, in the near future, as a
means of emotional support. This will have consequences.
Of course, the Governing Body has been warned about this - by people who should
know. Their demonic reaction ( you know, the image of Satan pulling down victims
although he knows he's doomed?) is MORE SHUNNING and MORE ISOLATION and MORE
Keep trying with your Witness relatives. A little here, a little there - maybe
a kind word or gift or card unrelated to the holidays. Some of them don't even
understand the concept of "unconditional love" - rather like the Monty Python
sketch in which a businessman can't grasp the idea of a charitable donation
(John Cleese "You mean I get nothing in return?").
You never know who you might save...
If we give up caring and compassion, what's the point of living anyway?
Good luck