Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse
by bavman 4 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse
I have been watching in awe the work of this commission. No doubt many here have been also. I am also quite envious to see Australia has something like this since I live in the United States. I'm sure I haven't missed it but is there an equivalent in the U.S. to this commission? Also, what is the likelihood we could see it here or is something similar being arranged already? -
The US equivalent would probably be a Congressional Hearing.
And the likelihood of it happening in the US is probably not too high at the moment...
...I suspect it's a little higher today than it was, say, a year ago. :smirk:
Ah yes, congressional hearing, sounds about right. Well, I can dream I suppose.... -
the girl next door
In the United States, a Presidential Commission is a special task force ordained by the President
to complete some special research or investigation. They are often used politically in one of two ways:
either to draw attention to a problem (the publication of a report by a commission can generally be
counted on to draw attention from the media, depending on how its release is handled); or, on the other hand,
to delay action on an issue (if the President wants to avoid taking action but still look concerned about an issue,
he can convene a commission and then let it slip into obscurity)[citation needed]. However, there have been
cases (theTower, Rogers and Warren Commissions) where the commission has created reports that have been
used as evidence in later criminal proceedings.
Wasn't the problem of institutionalized child abuse of interest to Michelle Obama?
Or better yet, Hillary Clinton.
I tell you, if she made a campaign promise to initiate a Presidential Commission into the matter, it sure could boost her election chances (and re-election chances if she kept the promise and it actually - like the Warren Commission - had wheels).