Monogamy overated!! ??

by breeze 8 Replies latest social relationships

  • breeze

    Monogamy is overrated.???

    When I was young I thought man was meant to have multiple wifes/sex partners, now I see why you only need one!!!

    The problems we encounter are more than enough to keep me busy, I cant imagine why a person would desire more conflict and grief..

    Maybe in another world it would work better????

  • joelbear

    Monogamy is extremely rare in nature.

  • DakotaRed

    Whether or not it is considered rare in nature, it is my choice to be monogamus. Although married and divorced three times now, I have never cheated and the thought of doing so is a berrant to me. I feel that we have abilities foreign to the animal kingdom, such as thought and reason, and have never appreciated the comparison of man to wild animals.

    In the end, it is to each their own, but for me, one woman at a time is all I wish to handle. The problems of multiple partners are all too apparent, beyond emotional upheavel, spread of disease, jealousy, things also foreign to the animal kingdom.

    I don't condemn any who choose multiple partners, but also see many innocent people getting hurt by those who do. Just my observations and opinion.

    Lew W

  • COMF
    Monogamy is overrated.???

    When I was young I thought man was meant to have multiple wifes/sex partners, now I see why you only need one!!!

    Um... do you perhaps mean polygamy rather than monogamy in your statement above? Mono = 1. Poly = many. You are discussing the woes of having many.

    Edited by - COMF on 21 December 2002 13:54:36

  • breeze

    No, COMF, It is a question???

    I thought it was a way to get a discussion going with x-jw's, to get them to talk about monogamy as the best choice?

    I think it is the best in the long run.....but there are many Bible references to men with many wifes and as a young man this was an interesting alternate choice??

  • joannadandy

    Monogamy is overrated.???

    In my opinion yes. I much prefer ebony...or even a light stained oak...

  • onacruse
    but for me, one woman at a time is all I wish to handle.

    I think polygamy is basically just:

    "A woman wants one man to satisfy her every need; a man wants every woman to satisfy his one need."


  • TresHappy

    With our busy world, I wouldn't have the time or the desire to seek out other potential lovers. To maintain a relationship in this world requires hard work and patience. Besides, I respect and love my husband too much to ever hurt him like that.

  • LucidSky

    People are okay with having multiple friendships, why not with romantic and sexual relationships?

    Because it is far from being a social convention though, extra care and openness are required for such relationships to work. This is not the same as "cheating".

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