Stem Cell Triumphs!

by metatron 3 Replies latest jw experiences

  • metatron

    Go to the Science News section of Yahoo:

    Israeli scientists have grown fully functional miniature human kidneys in mice

    Bone marrow stem cells have been used to regrow brain cells.

    The discoveries are coming faster and faster because human knowledge of this
    field is accelerating. It is said that human knowledge used to take decades or even
    centuries to collectively double - now it may double every 3-4 years.

    Sleep on, Watchtower
    Dream your dreams of Armageddon slaughter
    Preach your drained message of puny humans

    Let the world just pass you by


  • ashitaka

    met-you're right again.

    I get excited every time I hear something like that. It could extend our lives and make them truly liveable, with really getting the most out of old age.

    Imagine. You had a hard life, and you've been sickly. Need an organ? Just have it grown.

    Of course, the same risks will be there for death, but just having another lease at life, with a new heart, or kidney, or even liver, is wonderful to dream of. Right now, everything is a waiting list. Soon, we could have liver or heart banks, just like blood banks.

    So very cool, and much more material than the empty promises WT has to offer.


  • D wiltshire
    D wiltshire

    Yes I agree science has made and will make life better, that's why we have brains to use them for good.

    I think as we conquer more and more heath problems and man gets to live longer and longer, that we need to seriously concider population growth, and take measures that most can agree with, so as not to overpopulate the earth which could bring us to some very real problems involving the ecosystem.

  • Carmel

    The neat thing about stem cell organ production is you can have your own defective organ re-grown in another donor, then have it transplanted into you to replace the defective one with no antigen/antibody reaction resulting in foreign tissue rejection. Now if we could use that starfish system of re-growing limbs that are chopped off in accidents, life will get better and better. Unlike many who extrapolate upon these developments and assume the human body will be able to "live forever" I have my double-dog doubts. I firmly believe we were intended as spiritual beings to have a physical experiance, but it is intended to have a limited duration.


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