As I look back at my life I realize that I have said and done many stupid and hurtful things. Sometimes in anger, sometimes I've allowed "buttons" to be pushed that allowed me to turn ugly. Sometimes I have allowed my sensitivities to overcome reasonable responses.
I have often used the quote: "Be the change you wish to see in the world". Then I look in the mirror and see how miserably I have failed in following my own advise.
The realization sets in that ones words become meaningless when not backed up by example. Ones criticisms fall on deaf ears when one is engaged in ignorant conduct. I have failed myself and my friends in both cases.
I resolve to improve upon my weaknesses and strive to be a more positive influence on all whom I may come in contact with. Though the life we live today is so short and time is a fleeting thing I have learned that each and every action and word that I use can have a powerful influence on others. With a single word I can bring pain and hurt. With another simple word I can help heal and comfort.
I thank all here for enduring my words as I grow and heal. I appreciate the loving words of comfort and the heart wrenching experiences that have been shared here and at times have brought tears to my eyes. I am learning to find more humor in our sad experiences. And most of all I am learning to love all- even as we engage in heated discussions over dif veiwpoints.