Greg Stafford and the WTS harrasment on holidays

by jwsons 3 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jwsons
  • hawkaw

    I see Greg was ... having to deal with "Heinz Schmidt".

    Heinz has posted on this board as hector3000 or something like that. I also had a run in with him on a JW board dealing with the UN thing.

    I think after a little while more on the internet, Heinz is going to take off the glasses or become like Bobby (aka You know).


  • JosephMalik


    I took apart chapter 8 of Staffords first book and posted it on my web site. Never heard a word about it, no rebuttal nothing. The article called Identifying the Antichrist is still on my page and documents. Makes one wonder why he cares so much about Birthdays and Holidays when far more important material is in the fire?


  • Pleasuredome
    As the old saying goes, we cannot have God for our Father if we do not have the church for our Mother.

    oh isnt that sweet that quote is! now i havent heard or read that saying before, and i just wonder where it orginated from? it couldnt have been 'babylon the great' could it? is this another reason why the WTS doesnt want the R&F publishing on the net?

    does this quote more than imply that we cannot have salvation without "the church for our mother"? i think so.

    i think its great when these 'company men' publish on the net because we get to see the JW fundamentalists true colours

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