We had an elder visit my husband this weekend and he said that the WTS has given the elders new direction on the handling of child molestation but that he could not tell us what it said because it was confidential. I'm sure someone has posted this and it is probably more BS. I told my husband they tell the elders it is cofidential because it gives the elders a sense of power knowing they have info that the rank & file don't have.
Anywat, If anyone knows where I can find a copy please let me know. I'm sure my husband would love to see it.
Oh, and the response my husband got from the WTS after his 3rd letter to them asking why his dad is not DFed was something to the effect of Let it go, forget about the past, and let the local elders study with you. PUKE! They did not answer anything! But it was interesting to find that the letterhead had changed from WTS letterhead out of NY to Christian Congergation of Jehovah's Witnesses out of Pennsylvania. Gladly, my husband refused the study.
Laurie Fitzwater