Kegdom Ministry Xmas Edition

by Valis 7 Replies latest jw friends

  • Valis

    Kegdom Ministry

    Volume 1, Issue 3

    Welcome to the third edition of the Kegdom Ministry. In our Christmas edition we cover four beers...two Belgian beers that sound very yummy and two beers that as Overbeer and a Texan, I can vouch for without a doubt. As the year comes to a close we would ask you to reflect back on the beers you've drank, the good and the bad, with a fondness and that your partaking of spiritual food has made Jehovah very happy. Do enjoy this issue while you sip on a frosty one and take in the holiday cheer...and do not forsake the words set forth in the words of Jehovah's admonition found in Jeremiah 25:27-28. As well, we must be dilligent and not forsake the gathering of one another together for much bad association and spiritual food.

    From all the Overbeers, we hope that you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.!!

    Now...on to the beers!

    BrewFerm 7ltr Christmas Beer 2043

    BrewFerm 7ltr Christmas Beer
    Christmas 1065 OG. 7 litres. This dark, strong, heavy-bodied Belgian beer is sweeter than the Abbey style beers, with a strong malt flavour and aroma. Belgian Christmas beers (brewed with top fermenting yeast) have long keeping properties, improving with age. This beer has a long lasting thick, lacy head.

    This one I have had the pleasure of drinking many times. I don't normally drink Celis because its a bit to fruity tasting, but this one I really like from time to time. Celis has gone through many trials and tribulations, just like a prodigal son who left Texas for Michigan...then returned brewery equipment in hand to bless Texas with even more spiritual food. Truly Michigan's loss and Texas' gain.

    Kerst Pater Special Winter Ale
    A dark, richly warming and malty-sweet Belgian winter treat!

    In the tradition of winter brews worldwide, this Belgian beauty from a small agricultural brewery in St.Lievens Esse offers a rich and seasonal warmth, at 9% alcohol. Reddish brown with an orange-peel aroma, a malty sweetness and suggestions of sutanas and other dried fruits. It has a rich, buttery body, and a toasty dryness in the finish. Enjoy it with desserts of fruit cake, pudding, or chocolate - or better yet, have it as your dessert!

    Winter Ale

    Shiner Winter Ale is a crisp, hearty brew modeled after a Bavarian-style dunkelweizen, German for dark wheat. Shiner Winter Ale is fermented with an old-world technique called Krusening, brewed to be smooth and rich without being heavy on the palate. Its subtle flavors come from the brew's malted wheat and malted barley.

    This beer uses the old Czech mashing technique of taking small portions of the mash and boiling, then mixing it back in the main mash. This technique, called 'decotion', takes a great deal more time... but develops the rich dark color and creates the body which is enjoyed in the finished beer.

    Award winning Shiner Winter Ale has received both national and international honors. Click here for details on Winter Ale's Silver Medal for American-Style Wheat Ale at the 2001 Great American Beer Festival. Click here for details on Winter Ale's Silver Medal at Brewing Industry International Awards.

    Beer News For December

    Germany faces beer shortage

    'Will there be enough beer?" cries newspaper headline DEC 19, 2002 - The possibility of a beer shortage in Germany reached such concern Thursday that one leading selling newspaper asked "Will there about enough beer?" in a large headline on the front page.The crunch, which will begin to be felt next month, is the result of new government regulations restricting deposits of disposable cans and bottles. They take effect in January. The government is imposing charges on non-reusable containers because it says the percentage of recycled cans and bottles has fallen below a 72% minimum target set in 1997.Retailers say it may mean there may not be enough beer in shops. "We may not have enough beer available to meet the demand in January," Jan Holzweissig, spokesman for the German retailers' association, Reuters News Service reported. "A lot of stores are planning to remove beer and other drinks in disposable containers off their shelves next month because of the new rules."The government is introducing a deposit of 25 cents in January for small non-refillable cans and bottles, and 50 cents for larger containers. Deposits will be returned when the bottles and cans are returned.Although consumption of beer has slipped in recent year, it remains an important part of the German culture and economy. The country has about 1,200 breweries, and Germans drink a per capita average of about 123 liter (27 gallons) of beer annually, ranking them only just behind the Czech Republic and Ireland.The Aldi supermarket chain, a market leader in the discount sector, said they were planning to stop selling non-reusable bottles and cans altogether. "Until a reasonable solution to this problem is found, we're not going to sell any more drinks in non-returnable cans or bottles," an Aldi spokeswoman said.

    Women chase away beer trucks

    Mexican villagers tired of men coming home drunk DEC 19, 2002 - Women in the Mexican village of Teenek have cut off the beer supply to the mountain town by chasing away delivery trucks. The town's men have been described as "sad."The women greet the trucks by shouting "Get out! Get out!", and have left the town basically dry except for special ceremonies.The women told a local newspaper they are fed up with their men stumbling home drunk and even falling over in corn fields."A lot of men are not happy with this. They seem sad. But oh, well." said Marcelina Martinez. "At least now they spend time with their families. They didn't want to listen to us so we had to get angry."Teenek women traditionally don't drink and rarely hold positions of power. They decided to take matters into their own hands, refusing to allow any more alcohol to be sold in their community. Liquor in the village is now only allowed for traditional ceremonies. Another 12 villages in the area say they are seriously considering adopting the same rules.

    Drunken elephants go on rampage

    At least 6 in India killed after elephants get into rice beer DEC 17, 2002 - At least six persons were crushed to death by wild elephants that went amok after getting drunk on rice beer near Guwahati, India. A forest official said the herd went on the rampage Monday in Tinsukia district."They smashed huts and plundered granaries and broke open casks to drink rice beer. The herd then went berserk killing six persons," according to a Reuters report.Wild elephants have been targeting areas where people brew large volumes of rice beer. "We have come across devastating drunken bouts by herds that have developed a liking for country liquor," Kushal Sharma, a noted elephant expert, said.In the last two years, elephants have killed at least 150 people. Villagers, in turn, have killed up to 200 of the animals.

    The Beer Bill of Rights

    Amendment I
    Congress shall make no law disrespecting an establishment of beer, or prohibiting the free consumption thereof; or abridging the freedom of bar service, or of brewing; or the right of the people peacably to assemble, and to petition the bartender for a round of beers.
    Amendment II
    A well-stocked bar being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to brew and consume beer shall not be infringed.
    Amendment III
    No beer shall, in time of heat be quartered in any house without refrigeration, nor in time of cold, except in a manner prescribed by law.
    Amendment IV
    The right of the people to be secure in their beer, bottles, glasses, and brewing effects, against unreasonable searches and seziures, shall not be violated, and no last calls shall be issued, but upon the proper time, supported by the clock, and particularly offering the bar patrons the opportunity to purchase and consume one more beer before closing.
    Amendment V
    No person shall be held to consume a second-rate, or otherwise infamous beer, unless on presentment or indictment of a large bar bill, except in cases arising in block parties or backyard barbecues, or at a fraternity house, when in actual celebration in time of holidays or sporting events; nor shall any person subject for the same bar bill to be twice put in jeopardy of cash or credit; nor shall be compelled in any drinking establishment to purchase beer for anyone other than himself; nor be deprived of beer without due process of law; nor shall private stocks of beer be taken for public consumption without just compensation.
    Amendment VI
    In all drinking establishments, the patron shall enjoy the right to speedy and courteous service, by a qualified bartender of the establishment wherein the beer shall have been ordered, which establishment shall have been previously licensed by law, and to be informed of the nature and price of the beer; to be presented with the bar tab against him; to have compulsory process for obtaining the beer which was ordered, and to have the assistance of the bartender for service.
    Amendment VII
    In bills at drinking establishments, where the value in controversy shall exceed twenty dollars, the right of service shall be preserved, and no tab presented by a bartender shall be otherwise re-examined in any drinking establishment in the United States, than according to the rules of the common law.
    Amendment VIII
    Excessive drinking shall not be required, nor excessive prices imposed, nor cruel and unusual beers inflicted.
    Amendment IX
    The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain beers, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others consumed by the people.
    Amendment X
    The beers not supplied to the bars by mass marketing, nor brewed in microbreweries, are reserved to the brewpubs respectively, or to the people.

    Click Here For The Very First Kegdom Ministry

    Click Here For Issue 2

    Merry Christmas to all of you and may you have a happy New Year!!!!


    District Overbeer

    Edited by - Valis on 24 December 2002 16:21:1

  • Joyzabel

    It is so glad to see that you continue to provide spiritual food at the proper time, Brother District Overbeer.

    Thank you!


  • Nordic

    I get thirsty!!!

    Thanks Overbeer

  • Beans

    Thank you Valis once again for this Spiritual Food, imagine the pain of our German brothers, a persecution of sorts!

    Merry Apostmas!


  • Francois

    Being an all 'round apostate on virtually topic you can think of, I would like to rear my ugly head here and now and say something apostate-like regarding beer. That is, I would like to recommend a beer as being on top of the heap that's not a german beer. That beer would be (drum roll) Aass Bok !!!!! The Aass Brewery in Norway makes more than just the bok of course, but the bok is without doubt the best beer that has ever sloshed it's way down my guzzle-pipe.

    I think you'd be doing everyone a favor by inhaling some at your earliest opportunity and making report in issue #4. Standing by.


  • Gizmo
  • lauralisa


    How much dosth thou rock?

    fun... fun fun

  • Valis

    Merry XMAS to you all and may Jehovah bring many blessings of good beer and good head for the New year!!!!

    Laura, please tell Evan I wish him the best and hope you both have the best of holidays.

    Francois, you comment is duly noted, would you be interested in writing an issue of the Kegdom Ministry? Unlike some other orgs we appreciate all new light and would never seek JC action because you shed said light on great beer. Aswell, we are always looking for more Overbeers...the flock grows everyday and must be informed of the importance of spiritual food. SO many little time.

    With much love...


    District Overbeer

    Edited by - Valis on 24 December 2002 23:9:51

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