OK ; here's the best news i've heard against the wt in a while. i'm listening to news radio today and here a grade school teacher in brooklyn , ms. addio a jw teacher would not let her students put up christmas or haunakh decorations in the class room .. now the teacher is in trouble with the board of ed. is it not the jw's who always bullshit householders that they respect other people rights.. this sounds like a civil rights case$$$$$$$ i know it was in todays new york daily news.. maybe someone can find it and post it here.. it would be nice if someone would foward it to that lawyer kim norris... this sounds like a winner againgt the wt... john
jw school teacher ax'ed
by johnny cip 8 Replies latest jw friends
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THIS is why i just love this NET "THANG"
the guys and gals are already on it, anything moves, looks, smells like wt will be roasted on the
I seriously doubt that the WTS lawyers will help this lady out at all. They don't care about the individual witnesses.
The WTS creates so many problems by having to be an outcast from society as a whole from everything they do.
I'm with you, JT. And the GB just hates this Net Thang. Bastards.
Thus proving God does indeed have a sense of humor.
johnny cip
funny how no one here see the violation of the students civil rights here.. if it was the other way around the wt would be all over this in court... well this is a big 1st amenment no-no and i will be the first to say this will hit the courts, and it will be bigger than the child molestion problem. it is stuff like this that will open the EYES of the public as everyone understands it. tell me what judge in the U.S. WILL SAY THE KIDS CAN'T POST THEIR DRAWINGS OF SANTA...LOL
funny how no one here see the violation of the students civil rights here.. if it was the other way around the wt would be all over this in court... well this is a big 1st amenment no-no and i will be the first to say this will hit the courts, and it will be bigger than the child molestion problem. it is stuff like this that will open the EYES of the public as everyone understands it. tell me what judge in the U.S. WILL SAY THE KIDS CAN'T POST THEIR DRAWINGS OF SANTA...LOL
Well one case wasn't about a drawing of Santa, but an angel.
A teacher asked the class to draw what Christmas meant to them. While the teacher made her rounds in the classroom observing the drawings of each student until she came across a little girl who was drawing an angel. The teacher became infuriated and snatched it out of her hand and declared to the class that religion is against the law of the United States Government and such drawings like the one she was holding up before the class will not be tolerated in schools.
She then tore it up in front of the little girl who then cried. She told her mother what happened she got home from school.
As far as the JW teacher: screw her.
Johnny's right. She was imposing her beliefs on the students.
I hope the one who tore up the picture of the angel's toast too, if it's not the same...I was going to say "person," but I'm no longer sure they're human, so maybe "humanoid" will do.