Parents Without Partners

by Lost Diamond 5 Replies latest social family

  • Lost Diamond
    Lost Diamond

    I have been recently separated and I have a 10 yr old son and a 7 yrs daughter. They get bored and I am constantly trying to think of things to do that are fun and entertaining for them, so I decided to look into Parents Without Partners. They have a whole calendar of events for the kids and for the Adults. I wouldn't mind looking into the Adult Only fun, too. I would also like to meet friends to share ideas and to share some time with.

    Any of you here have had an experience with PWP? What are they like? What was your feeling on them? Where they of any help? Any comments any of you wish to share?


  • Farkel

    : Any of you here have had an experience with PWP? What are they like? What was your feeling on them? Where they of any help? Any comments any of you wish to share?

    I tried them out about 15 years ago. Of course, each chapter is different, so I can only speak from my experience. They have a lot of activities, including guest speakers at their meetings, dances, dinners and picnics and I met many nice people in the group. Some of them had been involved in PWP for as long as twenty years. I enjoyed their regular Sunday volleyball games at the beach. I dated several women from the group, but wasn't emotionally ready to make a commitment at the time.

    A lot of people who are freshly out of a marriage/relationship are in that "totally screwed up and desparate for love-at-any-cost" phase most of us go through. It's a good place for them to make friends who understand the situation because they've also been through the same thing.

    All in all, though and based upon my personal experiences, it was a great way to be able to socialize and make new friends.


  • Lost Diamond
    Lost Diamond

    "totally screwed up and desparate for love-at-any-cost"


    Are saying that about moi? Oh no, not I!!! I'm desparate, and lonley,and...well, that's another story.

    I am suprised, Farkel. You are the last one that I expected to answer my post! I really do appreciate your comments....

    All kidding aside, I also thought it would be a great way to meet new friends (and live, not internet) for myself and my kids. I went to my first orientation last Thursday. So far, the people I met there were ones that have been withe PWP along time and their kids are grown and out of the house! They were very nice and most of them were quite a bit older than myself, but they invited me to join them in volleyball every Thursday night. So, I think I might just give it a try. Why not?

    I was hoping to meet people closer to my age (36), and my children's ages. But, maybe if I hang around a bit, I might find some. I'm out for the experience of it all.

  • Farkel

    : I was hoping to meet people closer to my age (36), and my children's ages. But, maybe if I hang around a bit, I might find some. I'm out for the experience of it all.

    I forgot to mention this: there are LOTS of members of PWP who don't go to the adults-only meetings and get-togethers, but only attend the family-oriented events. I was 38 when I participated and had two young children. They had plenty of kids to play with, and there were plenty of people about my age at those family get-togethers also.


  • Lost Diamond
    Lost Diamond


    Great! Then I have something to look forward to! I won't run and hide...I think I will give them a chance.

    My kids would love to find new friends. The only ones they have now are the ones at the kingdom hall when my Ex takes them. They need to expand their horizons and see that not all non JW's are evil.


  • kaykay_mp

    i just moved to the el paso area and ive been trying to go to one of their activities, but i always get a recording whenever i call them. i guess its because of the holiday season.

    also...this is very awkward to talk about...i don't know if i'd be able to get any help here...

    i'm a single mother of 2 young children and i'm in the military. my problem is that i have to get a short-term provider for my kids in case they get sick at daycare/i get deployed/god forbid something happens to me and i'm temporarily incapacitated. if i were to get deployed, the short-term provider would be watching my children until my mother can come to get them (my mother is the long-term provider). if i dont find one by the middle of next month, they may be kicking me out of the military, which is not a very good idea right now. this has almost happened before, but i found a short-term provider at the last minute and everything was peachy.

    i'm pretty sure none of you knows what the hell i'm talking about, but at least i gave it a shot.

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