Truly, truly bizzare!

by nicolaou 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • nicolaou

    Can anyone here make ANY sense out of the interview found at;


  • Casper

    Beats Me......

    Devout Witness...??? Jesus died on a "Cross", celebrated
    Valentine's Day....???


  • Casper

    Beats Me......

    Devout Witness...??? Jesus died on a "Cross", celebrated
    Valentine's Day....???


  • openminded

    That guy must be the Prince or Micheal Jackson of the Phillipines.

  • MacHislopp

    Hello nicolau,

    I've just read the article...
    rather can't make up any logic.
    It is also mixed with filipino language!
    Let's see what others will say about it.

    Agape, J.C.MacHislopp

  • mommy

    I just read it too.
    I find it strange he says "cross" and celebrates Valentines day. And he also talks about the Sunday and Wed meetings.
    One thing is for sure...with the depression and other problems, He definalty is in some form of high control group.
    I want to know who he is too.

  • outnfree

    My take?
    Rustom Padilla is a Filipino movie/TV actor who was married to another movie/TV star and they were some sort of "golden couple" -- think Nicole Kidman/Tom Cruise.
    His family were involved with the witnesses for 15 years, but that's not how long he's been dedicated and baptized.
    His reference to the "cross" was just a way of using a term which would be understood by his interviewer and his audience (TMS training?) -- the interviewer is having him reflect on his new religion during the Lenten season of orthodox Christianity -- Rustom was formerly a Catholic.
    He likely wasn't baptized when he met Carmina, which is why he could do the Valentine's schtik for their first Valentine's together (and why even now during the worldly celebration he's nostalgic for the past). He got baptized and she began studying too after they were married. Before her dedication, she gave him the balloons for V-day.
    The article says she studied three years before she was baptized.

    His world collapsed when they broke up after three years of marriage, the marriage having ended three years ago, and the only place he would go during his depression and --what's the name of that phobia when you don't want to leave home? --Agoraphobia? was to the Kingdom Hall.

    And his brother seems to be well-known but infamous, having done jail time, and is no longer a Witness but has converted to Islam.


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