Oh, is it
you Toni, thought with the mention of the old "TP'S"tm it might be.
I come on here often just to get away from your mother. B@#!&@y old harridon.
Wondered if you'd seen Maurice?You know our old CO and my old golfing buddy.
Was supposed to meet him at the 19th hole for a snifter or two. Buggeration.
Nice couple o broads I saw hangin around that Bloody great Bentley of your God-bothering mate, wassisname......oh Geoffrey isit? I cant tell em apart mincin'around in pink shirts an'pinkie rings.
Don't shppose anyou got use for them broads....send em over to the 19th eh thats a good chap....bugger loss me drink again...
Ps speedos is wot I was wearin when i met yer mother......or was she wearing them??!!