Hello Cheyannesways and welcome.
That is exactly my thought. I however go a little further. I wonder is there even a God/Creator? And if so how do we know what religion will he approve if any? This board has been very helpful in challenging me to "think outside the box”. Until reading everyone's posts on here I didn't realize what a small world I was living in.
Maybe there is no right or wrong answer. Maybe the bible isn't even "God's Word". How do we really know for sure?
One thing I realized since talking to everyone here is that the only thing I know about other religions is what the Org. taught me from their own publications. We were never allowed to read other religious material for ourselves. We had to take what the Org. taught us about them. And of course their thoughts are going to be bias.
At this point I have no real interest in religion. I feel they all make money, fame, and power because of our fear of Armageddon.
If there is one teaching that the Org. taught me that to this day I try to hold on to is the "Fear of God". If God does exist then we are to honor him and fear displeasing him not only because of the power he has to destroy us but also because of his loving kindness he extends to all mankind. Maybe I don't even have that teaching right, who knows. It has been awhile since I was regular at meetings.
So I look at it this way: I am living a descent life style, I don't cause any kind of harm to people. If God is loving and fair just as the bible says then he knows I am sincere, that my doubts and questions are honest and understandable.