Dear Friends,
This is post number 666.
I understand it is sort of a tradition around here to make your 666th post a "special" message to your apostate friends and to the WTBTS. Since my 666th post falls on the holiday, and since I don't really believe in devils, demons, or wild beasts anymore, I thought I would make my rebellious message one of peace, joy, and goodwill to all men and women. What!? Can that happen without the WTBTS paradise earth and the total destruction of 6 billion people? I think it is always possible.
I think humans are basically good. I think they would rather love than hate. I think they all just want to be happy. Do we need the WTBTS to achieve this? No. Humans have flaws and are still in their childhood, but as a species we are maturing.
The last several hundred years have brought about great technological strides, but they have also brought great concepts that shows a progression to maturity. We have abolished slavery in many parts of the world. Human rights are being recognized more and more. Humanitarianism is becoming more widespread. People are learning tolerance, sometimes at a very high price, as in World War II. We have formed governments that recognize the people, and have recognized their inalienable rights. We have learned that war is a very costly way to settle a dispute.
There are new machines and new medicines every day. But these are only the tools that may help us realize our hopes for peace. All too often we have used these same tools to harm humanity. Technology isn't always the answer, but used wisely, it can be of great help.
In addition to new technology, we are beginning to explore ourselves as never before, and with that new understanding of our desires, feelings, thoughts, and what makes us do the things we do. Maybe soon we will learn why we wage war, and knowing why, maybe we will realize why we would be better off not doing it, and stop. Maybe we will understand that the other guy is not a monster, but just another human being with the same desires we have. And so I have hope that humankind will do it some day.
Am I being realistic. Probably not. But that is the nature of hope and faith. They seldom are. And so as humankind stands near the end of its childhood and contemplates maturity, more and more people cry for peace and for the end of strife, and some actively work for that goal. I hope they make it. Will they? I may not live long enough to see it happen, and it may likely never happen, but I still have hope. One of the things that gives me that hope is Christmas.
I have only been celebrating Christmas for nine years now. I think that tends to give me a different perspective and outlook on the holiday and its meaning than most people have. From what I have observed, both from outside and inside Christmas, is that it is a special holiday. Its roots are pagan and Christian. It was banned by Christians in England at one time. It was revived and renewed, as a way to reward the workers. It became a religious holiday, a secular holiday, and a family holiday all rolled into one over the years. It became better than it was, but we still celebrate it as it used to be, with our traditions, with our hearts. But more than any of this may be the feeling of hope that we have at Christmas.
Yes, Christmas is a holiday of hope. It is a holiday of goodness and kindness. It causes us to stop and reflect on our lives and the lives of our fellow man. Rodney King asked, "Can't we all just get along?" Many mocked him for those words, but I thought they were almost inspired. They are so simple in their message, so basic, and yet so full of hope, and maybe even a bit of faith that we can get along, if we really try. I think this is the magic of Christmas. For a short time each year, many people are getting along. They overlook their pain and stress and strife and extend their hand and a smile to their fellow human. It sure gives one hope.
So as I close this post, I just wanted to say, if you celebrate Christmas for religious reasons, or for secular reasons like I do; if you celebrate Hanukkah, Solstice, Kwanzaa; even if you celebrate no holiday at all at this time of year, I wish you peace, joy, and great happiness, simply because you are my fellow human.
Elvis asked, "Why can't every day be like Christmas?" Yes. Why not? Maybe someday it will. I hope so.
Merry Christmas