Xmas webcams?

by animal 4 Replies latest jw friends

  • animal

    Any of you fine people get a webcam for xmas? Wanna try it out? Several of us play around on them, gives a whole new meaning to "a bad hair day".

    Anyone wanna get a small cam-meeting going tonite?


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I got one - actually I bought a twin pack and sent the second one to my grand-daughter and got to "see: her today - got my cryin.

    What time - not sure if we are going out or not but I need a time

  • RubyTuesday

    I got one...I got one!!! Not sure if it will be hooked up tonight and if it is 
    I probably won't be ready
    ...cuz I'm wearing my new jammies all day today and maybe all week!!!
  • animal

    your call.... I use Yahoo for mine... username "animl" .. gimme a yell.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Be prepared I'm still wearing my new housecoat - refused to take it aff all day

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