We are extremely vulnerable to anyone showing us some love and attention. We are so ill-prepared to even know how to date
SO TRUE indeed i know some of Lady "C" girlfriends would call the house many times just to talk to me under the guise of wanting to talk to an elder- and i just asked a sister once about it and she was upfront as she put it SOMETIMES YOU JUST WANT TO HEAR A MAN'S VOICE-a
nothing of a sexual nature just the conversation of a man as she put it-
and so in the old hall i was in we had 42 single women and my wife would catch it, - they always had a call they wanted you to go on and many times i would not go, cause i knew how they felt- so my wife was often accused of not letting james go on this call with me-
jw women are told what makes a good man
high hour and being used in the congo were considered the only things needed to be a good husband
such things as being a good provider, was not important i know so many bethelites who left bethel went into the field and took some parttime flunky job to keep pionneering and had some little broke down honda civic, no money, clothees from the salvation army. living in some little hell hole apt and yet he is THE CATCH OF THE DAY- HOW SAD
all too often one thing i have seen that just hurts me so bad, my wife and i have had so many FINE SISTERS over to the house who have just left wt and they have literally been handed around from man to man sexually speaking in the quest to find true compannionship - many of this men literally are getting women many times in thier 30's who are virgins and the used them like a cheap dishrag sad to say-
so like you mentioned many of the women don't even know how to start looking for a good man and as one sister told me she is over 40 never been married never really dated persay did the pioneer KEEP YOURSELF BUSY ROUTINE and as she put it I was burning in my loins -so of course there is no shortage of men who will be more than glad to volunteer to put her fire out and they did- yet it was more than that she needed -
she revamped herself and took it slow instead of as she put it - since i had never had a man ( a BROTHER) talk to me sweet on the phone, compliment her, tell here how nice her hair look
it was always "worldly men" so when she left she felt HE MUST LOVE ME IF HE SAID ALL THOSE THINGS of course he only loved her panties, but at any rate, she had to learn the hard way
and that is why i always say i love this NET "THANG" for it can be used in so many postive ways for former jw who are trying to get back into the main stream of life itself
mywife and i often talk about how proud we are of the women who post here- to think that so many of them would never speak back to a man in wt and now many have come out of their SUBMISSION CAGE and are able to stand toe to toe with any man on the net
i love it