US Branch/Max was Right

by metatron 1 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    An interesting thing about the new yearbook: Its references to the US Branch office
    (in the World Trade Tower aftermath section , for example)instead of simply

    It shows a photograph of this committee - ten guys including Max Larson ( yep,
    eyebrows and all).

    Some of you may recall Maximus prediction about the relative rise of these branch
    committees and their coming empowerment. Branches could become more independent
    and decentralized.

    Amazing how far they can go with the 'faithful slave' mythology, isn't it?
    Boneheads ( initials G.L.) still mumble about the anointed leading stuff while
    the day to day reality of administration makes them look senile, claiming

    You gotta wonder about factionalism - and frustration over the utter lack of
    competent leadership in this cult. I had to laugh when I read that post about
    Gangas ( G.B., deceased) and how wise he desperately wanted to appear - while
    they quietly corrected his Greek mistranslations.

    Don't think they're aren't old guys eager to grab the reins - recall the comment
    by Grant Suiter (G.B., deceased) that 'if we're the Governing Body, we ought to
    start governing!'- after years of submission to Knorr ( the Great and Terrible).

    So much the better, let the new committees cancel each other out every time
    a hint of real reform appears. Let the ivory tower leadership continue and
    deepen the paralysis that darkens their future.

    just my contribution to Watchtower 'Kremlinology'


  • Athanasius

    Interesting observation. Thanks for the information.

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