Bachelor for 10 days!

by Guest 77 6 Replies latest jw friends

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    OK, my wife and daughter have gone to San Diego for ten days. What have I done? Clean the house, wash my clothes,everything is spic and span, now I'm on easy street. Oh, I can't forget the cat, shucks, I'm not free after all. Hmmmm, please, nobody suggest the cat house.

    Guest 77

  • Sentinel

    It's nice to have some "space" now and then. Sounds like you are a great husband, making certain things stay tidy. She will really appreciate that when she gets home.

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Sentinel, my mom trained us well. It's always good to have space. I think she needs it more than I do. I'm not a clean freak, it's just nice to have things tidy, and in order.

    Guest 77

  • animal

    Mine are all gone too.. till the 31st... I will clean up on the 30th.


  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    Animal, if something has to be done now, it's done. If I say to you that I'll be there tomorrow, I will be there. I also believe, to each his own.

    Guest 77

  • animal



  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    For me, I get things done ASAP, for others, whatever time suits them.

    Guest 77

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