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A new craze is sweeping the youth of our nation. That craze takes the form of inspirational "WWJD" clothing and accessories. You can currently purchase bangles, bracelets, necklaces, T-shirts, baseball caps, sweaters and pretty much everything else emblazoned with the WWJD logo.
What's it all about? Well, whenever they are faced with a problem, crisis or personal difficulty, teens everywhere turn their attention to the WWJD item they are wearing. A brief moment of inner meditation on its message helps them to find a way around the problem, and overcome the situation in a spiritual, efficient and mostly humane manner.
Let's talk to some typical teens about their WWJD experiences.
"It's, like, totally amazing. Without my WWJD bracelet, I just don't know what I would have done. It really helped me out. I was just walking home after school, minding my own business, y'know, when these two bigger kids came up and just started pushing me around for no reason. I'd seen them around before and I knew they were trouble. I was like "Oh wow, what am I gonna do?". Then I remembered my WWJD. I only took me a second to realise what must be done. After carefully dropping my bag on the grass, I yelled out a high-pitched "Oooooo-Aaaaaa-OOOOO", did a back-flip and managed to kick the first guy right in the neck. He went straight down, gasping for breath. I think his nose was bleeding, too. Before the second kid could react, I pulled the two chopsticks from my inside pocket and deftly flicked them at his eyes. He avoided them, as I expected, but by then I was behind him and delivered a roundhouse kick to his spine, and a punch to the back of head his as he went down. It was totally awesome. If I hadn't been inspired by my WWJD, it could have been me lying there in a broken heap."'Martina'
"Yeah, so me and my girlfriends was sitting in McDonalds, having fries and shakes, when that bitch Melanie comes up and starts hassling me. I really hate her. Anyway, I looked down at my new WWJD purse and knew what had to be done. It just like, inspired me, you know? It was like I could hear His words telling me to do. I pretended to ignore her but she started pushing me. I leapt onto the table, grabbed the balcony overhead, and wrapped my legs around her neck. Swinging hard, I threw her across the room, jumped down and threw about twenty of those little tin ashtrays at her in rapid succession. They weren't sharpened, unfortunately, but they got the message across as they bounced off her stupid face. Thinking about What He Would Do really paid off. She keeps her big dumb ass away from me now."It really works!
Ha ha, indeed. Yes, the wild Kung-Fu antics of Jackie Chan have helped out no end of youngsters. A dizzying display of perfectly co-ordinated martial-arts violence has proven time and again to be the solution to most of lifes little troubles. Whenever teens are being picked on, bullied, made to tidy their room or just plain stressed out, a moment's contemplation on What Would Jackie Do is all that's required to find a quick, effective and brutally violent solution.So remember, kids, next time you're having trouble at home, school or in the street and need some Higher Guidance, just ask yourself:
Adrian Barnett 1999