Blood issue & my mom

by TweetieBird 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • TweetieBird

    The other day my mother told me that my brother (no longer a JW) asked her what she thought about the society's policy change on the blood issue. My mom told me that she replied, "there's no change.!"

    I guess most of the JW's do not have a clue what is going on, and would probably refuse blood components of any kind due to lack of knowledge on the subject and not realizing that some things are now acceptable.

  • Joyzabel

    That is so true, Tweetie.

    At the JC meeting I was asked to attend, the PO asked me how I felt about blood. (he had a print out of my comments here on JWD) I asked him what the policy was on blood. He couldn't answer, then I went on to explain what is acceptable to take now, even cow's blood (hemepure) and he finally said he would have to look it up and lets go on to another subject. I sat there wondering that this guy would give up his life on the way home that evening, if he was in a car accident, because he doesn't know the most current policy. Also what does he instruct the R&F on which box to check? Just "no blood". Poor things, they really don't understand the changes on the blood policy and they have such blind faith.

    This issue with the WTBTS allowing Hemapur (cow's red bood cells stripped of the membrane so that all that is left is the hemoglobin, which makes up 97% of the red bood cell) is ok to take, but not "blood". whoooooo. Will be interesting to watch how the publishers handle that tid bit of information when it finally reaches them.


  • blondie

    That's scary, joy. How did they know it was you? I worry about that myself. Yes, I called a member of the HLC in my area and asked him specifically about Hemopure and its acceptability for JWs. He said no problem. I always try to slip in that new information about blood fractions especially since the meeting to hand out the new cards is coming up and the carefully supervised filling out at the book study. I live in a large city where many JWs come for medical treatment from all around the country so more are aware than in smaller congregations. Most just figure that they will look into it the specifics when they are going under the knife.


  • metatron

    Take a copy of the "United" book and open to the chapter listing

    Then, get a copy of the new "Worship" and open to the chapter listing.

    Ask them what happened to the blood chapter.

    I did this and the Witness involved was speechless


  • TweetieBird

    Good idea, Metatron. Problem is, I don't have any literature and if I start asking for some, they will think I'm coming back. But I would definitely like to get my hands on the new Worship Book. Does anyone know the full title?

  • TD


    Full title is Worship the Only True God -paperback 192 pages.

    It's not hard to get hold of -- feel free to email me.


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