Are we under the influence of the Devil?

by JH 9 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    To the eyes of the Watchtower, apostates are like demons, since they left the truth. Would the devil be strong enough to have fooled all of us here, in rebelling against God and his organization?

  • caligirl

    I think that theory is backwards. I think that the devil is responsible for getting people involved with the organization, not with their leaving.

  • Xander

    Well, according to the JWs, the devil is strong enough to have fooled every single person on the earth, and every single person who ever lived on the earth. Except, of course, for them.

    Everyone else is fooled, though.

    (That reminds me of a joke, btw....Husband calls his wife on the phone "Honey, be careful coming home from work....on the news there is some car driving down the wrong side of the highway!" Wife: "Not just one! It seems EVERYONE is driving down the wrong side!")

  • Undecided

    I have wondered why one spirit creature would be more powerful and dangerous than another. Why is the devil worse than another spirit that has gone wrong? Do they act like humans and let themselves be controlled by another like being who gets control like a dictator or are there diverent levels of creatures like animals, birds, insects etc. on earth?

    Why would God allow the whole physical and spiritual world get so screwed up?

    Ken P.

  • Undecided


    I think like you at times when I have a feeling there might be a God somewhere. I think he might be more angry at humans for believing what the bible has credited to him than for rejecting that crap.

    Ken P.

  • Dawn

    I answered basically this same "argument" from my family this way. I quoted to them John 14:12-14

    I tell you the truth, anyone who has faith in me will do what I have been doing. He will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father. 13 And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father. 14 You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it.
    Then I said "I have faith in Jesus and I have asked - with an open heart and honestly, in prayer - in his name, that my eyes and ears be opened to the truth and that he makes sure I see the truth and am not mislead. So if they believe that I am now being mislead then they have no option but to call Jesus a liar.
  • Liberty

    Hi JH,

    Even if I could believe in the Devil and could conceed that he was capable of fooling us weak minded humans into disbelieving in God's "True" earthly organization, the Watch Tower Society, we are still stuck with the cold hard fact that the WTB&TS has a very long history of complete 100% failure in predicting future events using the Bible. The only reason to be a JW is because the WT claims to be the only true religion and is directed and used by Jehovah's spirit so how can it be so wrong about so much all of the time? The Devil couldn't have a better target than the WT Society because it is screwed up. Would God really make it that easy for His arch rival? It is just not possible that a supernatural being capable of creating the Universe could "direct" such an idiotic group as the WT Society for so long if the big "A" is really so near. If God is that stupid then the Devil is on easy street and we are all doomed any way.

  • Mary

    Possibly some are, but I think the majority here simply found out the truth about "The Truth" and left. Any time you leave ANY religion, those that stay always view you as an "apostate"; doesn't matter if your a JW, a Catholic, Mormon, 7th Day Adventist, Church of God, Scientology, Baptist, etc........

    However I do believe that Satan manuveurs world events. The earth is simply too screwed up with evil to make me think otherwise.........

  • Gopher

    Every control group needs its straw man, to motivate the masses to become unified.

    The Nazi party in WW2 needed "Jews" among other minorities to "blame" for the unsatisfactory conditions they decried.

    The Americans needed what they called "Japs" during World War 2, the Japanese who were seen as mere robots controlled by Hirohito. Which some were, but they even went to the point of incarcerating innocent AMERICAN citizens who happened to be of Japanese descent, just in case ... um, well just in case.

    The WT Society has the "apostates" and the "Devil" as its strawmen enemies.

    Of course, we know that the Society can find their worst enemies simply by looking in the mirror!

  • shera

    I would be blind,if I didn't see the hyprocrisy and the real "truth" of the organization.

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