Today while listening to the DR. Laura show, a single woman with a young daughter called in concerned about wether or not she should join a religion that she disagrees with on some points.
Dr. Laura explained that even she has some bones of contention with her Jewish faith, but to join a religion that you have major problems with, especially if you are raising a child in that religion, would be a mistake. Dr. Laura explained how sometimes she has discussions with the rabbis to get more clarity, or to just say what she thinks about a certain practice.
The woman who called explained that when she has a question and goes to the elders, they just tell her to read some publications they have on the matter, and that she could be disfellowshipped if she believes differently.
Dr. Laura reiterated that it would be a mistake to join a religion that she is uncomfortable with.
The woman never said she was interested in 'hovahs, but it's rather obvious.
Just an interesting tidbit that I thought I'd share.