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by Been there 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • Been there
    Been there

    Well? What did Santa bring all you good little boy's and girls for Christmas?

    (Hope I didn't miss a thread where someone already asked, but you'll let me know right?)

    I got a sifting kitty litter box for the basement (I like it)

    I got a thing to sit the TV in the bedroom on, so I can get it off my dresser.

    He got me an IOU for Crisis of Conscience, Barnes & Noble where out, they need to order it.

    My FAVORITE one is a portable fire pit for the back yard so I can sit and watch a fire. I love the smell of burning wood.

  • Happy

    Been there,

    There has already been a thread about this, called "what did y'all get" I think, but I can't find it for the life of me.

  • RubyTuesday

    In addition to what i said in that thread...I got jewelry, coffee cups, clothes,games, robe, candy, a web cam and mouse.

  • blondie

    Been there,

    I read this and all I could think of was YOU using the litter box.

    I got a sifting kitty litter box for the basement (I like it)
  • Been there
    Been there

    ROTFL - That was tooooooooooooo funny Blondie. It's alittle small but I do my best. It does bring to mind a very funny picture.

    I checked search but didn't see a thread, guess I didn't ask the right question, thanks for letting me know.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    thank you for the link - I was looking for that thread too

  • onacruse

    I got a pair of 1.25 diopter reading glasses, to replace my 2.75 set...

    don't need the old ones anymore, since reporter posts in such large fonts! LOL

    (old fart) Craig

  • animal

    Ona.. I thought that now that you lost the blow up doll and dont need to manipulate your self, your eyesite was coming back....


  • bikerchic
    I thought that now that you lost the blow up doll and dont need to manipulate your self, your eyesite was coming back....


    ROTFLMAO......YES it's called a WIFE!


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