What is an intervention exactly? How does it work? I can understand if you see someone seriously destroying their lives with some drug addiction. What is your rationale for intervening in the case of a witness? Do you see it as applicable to all witnesses or just extreme cases? Once the intervention is complete do they back the hell off and let the person make their own decision? If the person decides to leave do those that interfered, err, intervened, stick around to help the person through the fallout?
Or do they then bugger off?
I'm reminded of a saying that has always applied in my life: When the student is ready, the teacher will come.
Noble intentions or not, I think trying to change someone else, particularly forcing unwanted change, can be like playing with fire.
Caution is necessary. You may succeed in forcing the change, but the person may not appreciate either your tactics or any harm *you* brought in the interim. They may have been perfectly happy as they were. If anyone staged an "intervention" with me, they'd better have been pretty f'ing sure, not only that I was in grave danger of some kind, but they'd also better be prepared to help me through all the fallout they thrust upon me against my will. Even if I was wrong in believing in Jehovah, where's the proof that the people staging said intervention are any less wrong in their beliefs? Can they offer me something better? Hell, isn't this many peoples beef with God himself? They don't like his message or the way he delivers it? Or the pain he allows with it. An intervention seems pretty harsh/forced to me. Personally I would probably not have responded favorably to such tactics. I wouldn't have shot the messenger, though I know some that might, I would have assumed the interveners had good intentions, however, I would also believe them to be awfully self-righteous and insulting of my intelligence and my rights to choose for myself. Of course, not everyone iz like me.
The two most significant and memorable statements someone made to me that got me thinking about the organization I was a member of were stated with respect for my own thinking ability:
"It seems so militant."
(this came from a neutral party with no real personal interest in me and was stated in a non-threatening fashion only between him and me alone.)
"It just seems so judgemental."
(this came with love and respect, from someone I loved and respected. it was not said in a self-righteous fashion, it allowed me my dignity)
In my opinion, treating most people (witnesses are people too LOL) with the dignity, love and respect you want for yourself will yield far more powerful and favorable results than anything that remotely resembles ganging up on them. Especially since treating them this way, will be so very different from how they are normally treated.
Anyway, that's my thoughts off the top, it'd be neat to hear your thoughts on intervention?