A quick lookup of Watchtower articles to a couple of the questions that were asked show how JR was a bold face liar. (highlight added)
The first question,
Do the Jehovah's Witnesses have the only truth or are they the only way to salvation?
*** km 3/89 1 Urgently Declare Jehovah's Judgments ***
4 In addition to offering the
Climax book from door to door, utilize other opportunities as well. Young publishers can offer the book to their teachers. Those employed secularly can talk with workmates during lunch breaks and offer the book to them. Give all personsrelatives, deliverymen, salespersons who come to our door, doctors, dentists, lawyers, businesspeople with whom we have dealingsthe opportunity to "hear the words of this prophecy." (Rev. 1:3) They may want to be among the unnumbered great crowd that will survive the climax of divine judgment at Armageddon.
*** km 10/89 2 Make Full-Time Service Your Career ***
7 It is not some unusual ability or gift that enables a person to pioneer. A genuine love for God and for people, along with a willingness to make personal sacrifices, is needed. (Matt. 22:37-39; Phil. 4:13) The Christian ministry can help you cultivate qualities that must be evident in those who will survive Armageddon. Pursuing it full time can enhance your love, faith, joy, and peace. (Gal. 5:22, 23) So reach out for and hold on to the pioneer ministry as your treasured career!
*** km 12/89 8 Presenting the Good News-To Youths *** 7 Jehovah "does not desire any to be destroyed." (2 Pet. 3:9) This includes youths. However, many young people will not survive Armageddon. May our efforts to preach to youths effectively result in the salvation of a good number of young people, to Jehovahs praise.
*** kl 177 18 Make It Your Aim to Serve God Forever ***
Baptism gives evidence of your choice to serve Jehovah God. Think about people with whom you come in contact. In one way or another, is not each one of them serving a master? Some slave for riches. (Matthew 6:24) Others diligently pursue their careers or serve themselves by making the fulfillment of their own desires paramount in life. Still others serve false gods.
But you have chosen to serve the true God, Jehovah. No one else shows as much kindness, compassion, and love. God dignifies humans with purposeful work that points them to salvation. He rewards his servants with everlasting life. Surely, following Jesus example and giving your life to Jehovah is not a course to fear. Actually, it is the only one that pleases God and makes perfect sense.1 Kings 18:21.
*** km 5/99 2 Service Meetings for May ***
min: Whats Wrong With My Religion? Discussion between two ministerial servants. We encounter many people who are favorable toward the truth and admire Jehovahs Witnesses. However, the ties they maintain with their church hinder them. They find it difficult to believe that we have the only true religion and that their form of worship is false. This becomes a major barrier to their spiritual progress. The brothers review the six factors mentioned on page 204 of the
Reasoning book, which clearly show that other religions do not follow the Bible. Encourage the audience to use these points in tactfully helping sincere ones evaluate their religious beliefs.
*** km 3/87 3 Directing Interest to the Organization ***
Organization 1
Your own experience in the truth has no doubt made you aware of how much we need the congregation for our proper spiritual growth and stability in the faith. (Heb. 10:24, 25) So it follows that you should be deeply concerned with imparting to your Bible students not only a clear understanding of doctrinal matters but also a similar deep appreciation for the organization Jehovah is using. (Luke 6:40) Our new brochure
Worldwide can assist you in this.
People who are studying need to appreciate that the structure and methods used by Jehovahs organization are rooted in the Scriptures. In order to progress, they must also see that they are gaining insight into Jehovahs ways, as reflected by his organization, and not just getting acquainted with another religion.