I partied with an ex-dub

by truthseeker1 3 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker1

    Hello gang! I just wanted everyone to know that tonight I had some drinks with a dub who is planning on leaveing. She is fed up with all the dub BS and is wanting to DF herself. I told her to DA herself, because a DF marks her as someone who did wrong and got kicked out.

    She is an old friend of my ex wife, who is still a dub. I got her number and plan on talking to her when I am sober. I was a little buzzed when I was chatting with her, so I'm not totally sure on what i talked to her about. But from what I remember, she is fed up with the bs, but she still is a believer.

    Just wanted to inform everyone on my goings on.

  • dmouse

    Yes, it does give you a buzz when that happens doesn't it? I've definitely noticed more disaffection in the ranks lately.

    More often than not though, these people say that they are fed up but stay anyway, it's the 'where else can we go' mentality.

  • LyinEyes

    I am also hearing more and more dubs, who are very fed up with the WT load.

    I see a great crowd , which no man was able to number, leaving the WT so fast ,they left their bookbags in the aisles. I have serious doubts , that the youth of JW today will stay in very long once they leave the nest. Thanks to the internet we age group of 25 and up mostly have found out the real truth, and they are going to learn the truth alot quicker than most of us did,,,,,,,,thank goodness.

  • ISP

    She is fed up with all the dub BS and is wanting to DF herself

    Woohoo!!!!!!! She wants to 'DF' herself! She will need at least 3 personalities to get it done. She also needs to commit some misdemeanours.....hmmm.....and be unrepentant.


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