Liftons "demand for Purity" in JWs.

by refiners fire 7 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Liftons - "Demand for Purity" Criteria applied To The Jehovahs Witnesses.

    In the book " Thought Reform and the psychology of Totalism" (1961) Robert Lifton lists one of the criteria or manifestations within the Brainwashing scenario as "The Demand for purity". He explains what this demand on the part of the mind controllers entails on page 423 of the book:

    Quote..In the Thought Reform milieu, as in all situations of ideological totalism, the experiential world is sharply divided into the pure and the impure, into the absolutely good and the absolutely evil. The good and the pure, of course, are those ideas, feelings, and actions which are consistent with the totalist ideology. Anything else is apt to be relegated to the bad and the impure. Nothing human is immune from the flood of stern moral judgements

    I have already, to a degree, demonstrated the extreme polarization of language used by the Watchtower when describing things of the world.

    Those things external to itself.

    The language used is, almost invariably, negative/ black language. Nothing useful to the improvement of mans lot is ever listed by the Watchtower as being out in the worldly milieu.

    When speaking of themselves however, the Watchtowers tendancy is very much to speak of their own organization in glowing utopian terms. Certainly the channel thru which God communicates with the sheeplike masses, the Organizational heirachy, admits to no error on its own part, in any matter.

    This extreme, and of course, IMPOSSIBLE, polarization between the black wickedness of everything external to the organization, offset against the state of utopian perfection portrayed as existing within the organization, is proof sufficient, in and of itself, that we are dealing with a Totalist organization when we speak of the Watchtower.

    However, in this segment I am concerned with the demand for purity not in terms of information presentation, but in terms of demands for impossible, and unattainable, purity of THOUGHT and ACTION. Lifton continues:

    Quote....The philosophical assumption underlying the demand is that absolute purity is attainableIn actual practise, however, noone is really expected to achieve such perfection..

    I might criticize Liftons choice of phrase in that passage, perhaps in the REAL world noone would expect anyone to attain to perfection of action and total purity of thought, but I suggest that in the Watchtower organization there are very many people who feel that they must strive to attain this perfection. Not only must they themselves strive for it, but I suspect, many of these same ones believe that there are others within the organization that are actually LIVING this level of purity and perfection. This demand for purity , which very definitely exists within the Watchtower organization, is a root cause of the extremist maintaining of appearances , the projection, in company, of completely correct behaviour, the appearance of absolute orthodoxy of thought, when conversing, that is so apparent to long term observers of the WT Orgs memberships public behaviour. Everyone projects the image that they are in compliance with the purity level. Lifton continues:

    Quote.... By defining and manipulating the criteria of purity, and then by conducting an all out war upon impurity, the totalists create a narrow world of shame and guilt. This is perpetuated by an ethos of continual reform, a demand that one strive permanently, and painfully for something which not only doesnt exist, but is in fact alien to the human condition..

    Not only this, but within the controlled milieu, everyone is going round APPEARING as though they are well on the way to attaining this perfection of thought and behaviour. The only reference the individual has to compare reality with appearances is his/ her own experience. Now of course the real individual is not living up to this perfection. His thoughts are not pure, and his actions are not pure enough, the consequence is, not a reassessment of the practical accuracy of the truth, but a feeling of GUILT and SHAME on the part of the individual as to his own thoughts and feelings. Lifton explains:

    Quote... At the level of the relationship between the individual and the environment, the demand for purity creates what we may term a guilty milieu and a shaming milieu. Since each mans impurities are deemed sinful and potentially harmfull to himself and others, he is expected to expect punishment.He must also look upon his impurities as originating from outside influences- that is from the ever threatening external world beyond the closed totalist ken.Therefore, one of the best ways to relieve himself of some of his burden of guilt is to denounce, continuously and hostilely, these outside influences. The more guilty he feels, the greater his hatred..

    Which brings us full circle, The wicked external world which LURES and TEMPTS us into sin, and into impurity of thought, must be cut off , avoided and condemned more and more vehemently, even as we are the more drawn to it. Perhaps this impossible demand for purity is nowhere more obviously apparent than in the Watchtowers attitude to matters of sex.But for the sake of brevity I will examine just one passage from a WT, picked at random, it is talking on the subject of drinking alcohol.

    From the Watchtower of February 1, 1973 Article-" Are you living for what you can get out of life NOW?". Some passages to contemplate:

    Quote.... 7 To make sure we are not misled or caught as if in a snare, we have to ask ourselves searching questions to test out our deeper motives, our secret desires, our hidden affections. For what are we living? It is one thing to say we are living with a view to life in God's new order, but it is another thing to be actuallyliving in harmony with God's requirements every day. Christians cannot let the subtle Epicurean philosophy of this world deceive them and, before they know it, begin to live for the pleasures of today, for fear that tomorrow they might die.....

    Notice how the magazine seeks to penetrate into the inner thoughts of each individual reader, asking each reader to ask searching questions of himself.Questioning his own thoughts, levels of purity. The Watchtower may SAY out of one side of its mouth, that drinking is a matter of personal choice, but what of the message coming out the other side of its mouth, the message hidden inside the black terminology used to describe drinking, its consequences and the possibility of stumbling someone by our own choice to drink. Is drinking still a matter of personal choice?

    Quote.... Millions of modern-day Epicureans have gone beyond drinking in moderation to the point of drunkenness. They have tasted the effects of excessive amounts of alcohol, and these are what they want regardless of the costs or hazards to health , employment and family . Inhibitions and frustrations vanish , to bring a strange freedom from care . Harsh reality gives way to a world of dreams . Cares vanish. Nagging is nullified; responsibility is shelved . One, in effect, goes on a "trip," a vacation away from the burdensome cares of life. But, is this really living? Considering the stupor one has been in, the shameful conduct and speech one may have been guilty of , the terrible ache of the body in sobering up and the damage to one's relationships with others,. 9 It is only reasonable that God would prohibit drunkenness. In a drunken condition the mind does not function right and one often does disgraceful things . .While drinking is a personal matter as long as one does not become intoxicated, yet there is the possibility that alcohol will become a psychological crutch on which to lean, a seeming necessity one cannot do without. Moreover , there is the possibility of stumbling others by indiscreet use of alcohol. When friends stop by for an evening, do you insist they share a drink with you, even though they may prefer not to do so? This can be mistaken hospitality and may be, deep down, an attempt to have others join you in indulging a weakness . .

    Can there be any doubt that the Watchtower, in this passage, is uttering black propaganda against the concept of drinking per se? What of those who might exercise their personal choice to drink? Might they well feel guilt at their choice to drink? Might they well deem it best not to let any of the brothers see them drinking for fear of stumbling a brother? It is certainly possible isnt it.

    Edited by - refiners fire on 29 December 2002 17:48:1

  • Pistoff

    I recognize in this post the quality of the society's writing that has slowly driven me bonkers for 40 years; they espouse a standard of conduct that all of us know is impossible, and yet one that all of us have been made to internalize.

    The result is GUILT. Guilt is good for them; it keeps them as the dispenser of forgiveness, why else do they mandate going to the elders with sins that elders really cannot forgive, but gives the illusion that they can.

    It keeps them in business.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    Heres on from the Watchtower of October 1, 1973. Article "Loyalty in the time of the end".

    The methods of bias and emotional manipulation are, again, quite apparent

    The questions to make each individual analize themself against the perfect criteria. The tying of things that might be considered "normal behaviour" in with "Satan the Devil" and Evil practise. The fear of punishment for engaging or even THINKING about these normal practises.....

    Quote....."Satan tries to entice Christians through the lusts of the flesh to violate the laws of God and thereby bring God's adverse judgment upon them.... When a Christian finds pleasure in the morally corrupt literature and other forms of entertainment produced by the Devil's system of things, is he not leaving himself exposed and unprotected? Will not the entertaining of wrong desireslead to succumbing to them in time and thus sinning in God's eyes? (Jas. 1:14, 15) Continuing in that course will bring certain destruction from God, as it did for the 24,000 Israelites who were killed on the plains of Moab. Satan will have gained the victory over them by causing them to be disloyal to their God and King.....For a Christian to forsake what is righteous by giving in towrong desires would mean that he disloyally follows another god, the wicked god of this world. He is producing that one's bad fruits. He would be like the unfaithful Israelites who were enticed by wrong desires when at the festival of the Moabites and the Midianites and became involved in Baal worship.

    So the lines are drawn very clearly, between extreme "pure" behaviour and extreme "impure" behaviour. Notice the degree to which the passage is concerned with the readers thoughts and personal feelings. His INNER emotional and mental life.

    Wrong thoughts = Satan. Improper desire = God of this World. Sexual desire = destruction at Armaggedon.

    But what is this passage of the Watchtower referring to? murder? Armed Robbery? No. It is referring to kissing and cuddling with your girlfriend!....notice that, again, the Watchtower descends into black language, conjuring ghastly images and tying them in with the practise of "petting"....

    Quote.... In the modern practice of "dating," many young couples engage in "petting" that does whip up strong feelings of passion. Yet some may argue that this is not wrong as long as there is no actual joining of the sex organs, since, as they understand matters, this is what the Bible specifically forbids for unmarried persons. Such reasoning is both mistaken and dangerous. Christians are urged to present their members no more "as slaves to uncleanness and lawlessness" but "as slaves to righteousness with holiness in view." (Rom. 6:19) Even if their passionate "petting" did not reach the point of "fornication" (Greek, pornei'a) in the Bible sense of the word, it could still constitute "uncleanness" (Greek, akatharsi'a), an indecent, impure kind of conduct. "Uncleanness" is listed following "fornication" in the apostle's list of works of the fallen flesh, and he warns that those who unrepentantly "practice such things will not inherit God's kingdom." (Gal. 5:19, 21) Not only this, but such unclean actions might steadily become more gross in nature or extent until they reach the point where they rightly are classified as "fornication" (pornei'a). This is because this word Scripturally refers, not just to sexual union between unmarried persons, but to all kinds of gross immorality or lewd conduct such as one might find in places of prostitution.

    Edited by - refiners fire on 29 December 2002 20:11:59

  • DanTheMan
    many of these same ones believe that there are others within the organization that are actually LIVING this level of purity and perfection.

    Especially when they trumpet an example of such ones in the magazines every month. Also the experiences at assemblies/conventions reinforce this idea.

    By defining and manipulating the criteria of purity, and then by conducting an all out war upon impurity, the totalists create a narrow world of shame and guilt.

    Reminds me of one of the WT's never-ending mantras to the flock: Saturday field service! I remember a visiting CO making disparaging remarks about ones in the cong who slept in and let their kids watch cartoons on Saturday. I looked around the hall and saw a number of parents with their eyes looking down at the floor. What a cold bastard. I knew I could never stand in front of people and shame them that way, it was ridiculous.

    Now of course the real individual is not living up to this perfection. His thoughts are not pure, and his actions are not pure enough, the consequence is, not a reassessment of the practical accuracy of the truth, but a feeling of GUILT and SHAME on the part of the individual as to his own thoughts and feelings.

    It was only when I stopped feeling so guilty that I was able to start "reassessing". I think that this is one of the biggest keys for anyone to leave a high control group - you have to question whether or not the shame and guilt you feel is warranted.

    Therefore, one of the best ways to relieve himself of some of his burden of guilt is to denounce, continuously and hostilely, these outside influences

    How often do JW's talk about this "old wicked system" wearing them down?
    To make sure we are not misled or caught as if in a snare, we have to ask ourselves searching questions to test out our deeper motives, our secret desires, our hidden affections. For what are we living? It is one thing to say we are living with a view to life in God's new order, but it is another thing to be actuallyliving in harmony with God's requirements every day.

    It was sh!t like this that drove me nuts as a JW. The propaganda is designed to make you constantly question whether or not you are really faithful.

    Thanks RF for another thought-provoking post.

  • unclebruce

    Great post RF,

    Your print is a tad big for my little eyes but well done, a thoroughly enjoyable read.

    ***The language used is, almost invariably, negative/ black language. Nothing useful to the improvement of mans lot is ever listed by the Watchtower as being out in the worldly milieu.

    When speaking of themselves however, the Watchtowers tendancy is very much to speak of their own organization in glowing utopian terms


    Truer words were rarely said. The watchtower spin-doctor's pissing on all things grand and uplifting is truly deplorable and demeaning to anyone valuing self-respect and intellectual honesty above petty tribalism.

    thanks again, crutchless unc

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    dan, it was a long time after i read years worth of Watchtowers that I realized cutting and pasting little snippets of WT quotes doesnt tell the whole story. The entire WT language is LACED with inwoven messages. Messages of guilt, messages of fear, implied things. verbally stating one thing while the undercurrent of the message say another thing. Its sick, truly sick. Thanks for being interested enough to comment.

    UB. At least I put Liftons words in BIG letters and not my own . Now that would have been bad form!

  • Sangdigger

    RF, Thanks for the Post. It was really enlightening. I think one of the biggest Lies they promote is the Lie that you can live up to Gods Righteous Standards. This is one thing i have noticed the last several years of reading their publications. They use terms like "Honest hearted ones" or "Those with a pure heart" and many others. I wonder how they treat the scripture in Matt. where Jesus told his followers: "Unless your Righteousnes EXCEEDS that of the pharisees, you shall in no wise enter the kingdom of heaven"

    What the Gospel teaches is just the opposite of WT propaganda. The true gospel says "None is righteous, no not one" and "by the deeds of the law, no flesh is justified"

    Its no wonder most of us used to wear ourselves out trying to please God, and those of us who didnt go through the physical motions, were mentally tormented by the guilt. Jesus Christ has set me free from this kind of guilt.

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    The " Demand for Purity" in relation to false prophecy and crisis.

    In my observation the most blatant instances of an increase in the demand for purity within a church movement are in connection with failed prophecy and / or a crisis within the movement.

    Regarding false prophecy, There are two immediate reasonings connected with purification used by the cult to rationalize away the failed expectation that occur to me.

    In the first, the members are blamed for the failure of the prophecy to materialize in that they falsely apprehended things, and so they must purify or refine their thinking with regard to understanding what the cult channel actually intends when it speaks. The cult claims that the channel never predicted anything. This is a line of argument that ex Witnesses, especially, are familiar with.

    In the second excuse (and this is much more dramatic) the cult claims that Christ intended to return on the duly appointed date but POSTPONED His return because the church members were not pure enough to be accepted by Christ, in that they were too sinful to face his judgement.

    In this scenario, If God had come as expected, then as a righteous judge he would have had to destroy the church masses. So as a god of mercy he postpones his arrival.

    In this latter case the followers of the Cult are directly blamed as responsible for the failure of Christ to arrive on time. The churches believing masses are responsible for upsetting Gods time table.

    It is interesting that the Jehovahs Witnesses dont focus overmuch on this latter argument in their false prophecy rationalization, because its a good argument. Myself, I can only think the reason they ignore it so much is because it is a line of reasoning that has been extensively used by Adventism, and by Mormonism in the 1840s. I think the Witnesses wanted to come up with their own unique revelation on prophetic failure and its causes.

    In Witness history, the witness org harks back to the period 1917/ 18 as a time of impurity. The impurity here was an impurity of practise. And the impurity was organizational. It is discussed in the Jehovahs Witnesses in the Divine Purpose history (1958) On page 91:

    Quote: .. "When the society began to be freed for further preaching work following WW1, they soon realized that they had been held in spiritual bondage too in many ways. There were many false doctrines and practises that had not yet been cleaned out of the organization.gradually over the years that followed it became evident to what extent the brothers had been in Babylonish captivity at that time"..

    This alleged recognition of the need for purification and the purging of bad practises took place in the years of crisis and false prophecy surrounding the death of Russell and the failure of the 1914 expectation to materialize. One wonders to what degree the recognition of need for purification is a rationalization of failed prediction.

    Regardless, what false practises needed purging from Gods organization? Page 91 continues:

    Quote:. " With considerable misunderstanding they had accepted earthly political governments as the superior authorities that God had ordained according to Romans 13 v 1, and as a result, the Witnesses had been held in fear of man Many were putting emphasis on so called character development.and there was considerable creature worship in the organization"....

    Astute readers will recognize the latter creature worship problem as directly connected with the death of Russell. The false practise of character development is interesting though because it is connected to personal purification . The refining of individual practises, and the eradication of personal sinfulness, so as to be pure enough, individually, to face the Judgement seat. It is a notion heavily used in Adventism, as we shall see momentarily. The JWDP history continues:

    Quote:.. " Organizationally the Witnesses were still practising the democratic style of local congregation government.these tainted bonds of false conceptions and practises, inherited from the pagan traditions inherited by Christendom. Had slipped by unnoticed by the brothers"....

    They slipped by no longer.

    In the purification cycle, not only do BAD practises need to be purged, but the initiation of GOOD practises needs to be undertaken. In witness world, Wicked 'democratic' congregational practises have to be replaced by God ordained 'theocratic' rule. Remarkably, in my observation, key doctrines identifying the Church as Gods true church, doctrines of pure worship HIDDEN SINCE THE TIMES OF THE APOSTLES, are re revealed (by God) to bring the Church into correct prtactise, this usually occurs after a false prophecy. I believe the doctrine of the world wide preaching work as an identifying hallmark of the one true church was revealed immediately post the 1918 Watchtower crisis. The revelation of the Sabbath doctrine, the hallmark of Adventist pure worship was revealed hot on the heels of a prophetic failure.

    Another example, In the midst of the profound Mormon crisis in Missouri in the early 1830s, Joseph Smith received key revelations of pure worship practises such as the Melchizadek Priesthood revelation, the Celestial Kingdom revelation and the Word of Wisdom revelation while at the same time receiving revelations condemning impure practises and thoughts by individual church members as the cause of the prophetic failure in Missouri. (D and C - 84/ 98/101)

    Seventh Day Adventism however, has a striking tendancy toward an increasing demand for purity on the part of the members, continuous " character development", so that Christ can return . A fine example of this tendancy is conveyed in the book by Meade MacGuire The Latter Rain (published I think in 1941):

    Macguire spends the opening pages of the book demonstrating, from the writings of Ellen G White, that the followers of the church thru their lack of preparedness, have caused Christ to delay his coming. (Page 6):

    Quote..... " the saviour desired to come and could have come many years ago, but those who professed to be His people and were giving His message are primarily responsible for the delay If all who had laboured unitedly in the work in 1844 had received the third angels message and proclaimed it in the power of the holy spirit A flood of light would have been shed upon the world. Years ago the inhabitants would have been warned , and Christ would have come for the redemption of His people"....

    Perhaps a better quote is from Ellen G Whites Early Writings page 71:

    Quote:.. "I saw that many were neglecting the preparation so needful, and were looking to the latter rain to fit them to stand in the Day of The Lord.They had neglected the needful preparation, therefore they could not receive the refreshing that all must have to fit them to live in the sight of a Holy God"......

    The upshot of MacGuires book is that Adventists cannot expect Christ to return in literality, until the church members are perfected in behaviour and in thought. Ellen G White is quoted again by MacGuire- Early Writings page 71 :

    Quote..... " I saw that none could share the refreshing until they obtain the victory over every besetment, over pride, selfishness, love of the world, and over every wrong word and action.. Not one of us will ever receive the seal of God while our characters have one spot or stain upon them. It is left with us to remedy the defects in our characters, to cleanse the soul temple of every defilement".....

    These are requirements being laid upon church members who already attend meetings, observe the Sabbath, and have forsaken the wearing of jewellery and makeup. Their God requires more of them now. He requires absolute purification of character before He can return.

    Page 15 of MacGuires strange book describes the kind of soul agonizing required from Adventists in their desperate battle to overcome the sinfulness in their own souls:

    Quote:.." I saw some, with strong faith and agonizing cries, pleading with God. Their countenances were pale and marked with deep anxiety, expressive of their internal struggle at times a ray of light from Jesus came to them to encourage them Some, were not resisting the darkness around them and it shut them in like a thick cloud.I saw angels hastening to assist all those who were struggling with all their power to resist the evil".....

    The strange and demanding God of the Adventists, They plead, they weep, they deny themselves, but still, they are not pure enough that their God might return.

    Edited by - refiners fire on 7 January 2003 4:9:35

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