Is it just me or does eveyone here max out to their 20 posts per day and 2 new threads limits? Has there ever been any though given to bumping those #'s up?
Is it just me or....
by pr_capone 8 Replies latest jw friends
I only used up my 20 posts once although I think I'm headed that way again today...LOL
I guess I am just a posting freakI always run out and always on the one I want to really post to LOL
I've done it many times.What usually happens is the post you wanted to make the the one that went over the limit and you can't send it.
You aren't addicted to this forum are ya now?
No problem here...I just steal from bikerchic when I run out.
Don't tell, but that's the only reason I married her! LOL
It has been higher but I set it lower some time ago because if too many posts are made, the board moves too fast and becomes more difficult to keep up with. I'd love to be able to do away with the limits but on a busy forum they are necessary.
20 seems to be enough for most people (as long as you don't 'waste' them). If you spread out your posting, you are less likely to hit the limit (which is a rolling 24 hours)
If you do hit the limit, you need to wait until the 20th post you last made is over 24 hours old before you can post again.
I'm working on a visual indicator that will tell you how many posts you have left before you try to post.
Big Tex
Hey Craig, that's exactly what I do with cruzanheart. Although one day I got busted when she wanted to why someone had responded to "her" post. (yes dear; I'm so sorry dear)
Its happened to me a couple of times, but lately I've been too busy reading to even do alot of posting.
Hint for you - whenever you run out - you can still "edit" previous posts - or just take the conversation to chat....
<Thanks for the tips hmmmmm I may be stealing thunderriders soon>