My prediction is that the Watchtower Society will rid itself of all undesireables and clone "theocratic" "ones". Imagine perfect little boys and girls! Perfect mothers and fathers. Perfect single people. All united with one thought! ......Do you think this would make the Governing Body happy???
Watcthtower Solves All Problems By Cloning!!!
by minimus 7 Replies latest jw friends
Imagine perfect little boys and girls! Perfect mothers and fathers. Perfect single people. All united with one thought! ......
Highly possible! I think that most spritually `strong` brothers and sisters would revel in the idea of `other` like minded people ....with no real thoughts of their own...personally I think..............boring!!!!!! -
Clone a couple of these for every hall and their numbers will go right up I'd say....
Hey LB:
How about one for every elder, MS and CO?? That way they could all swap and nobody would know the difference....
Love, Scully
Okay, so I know that this was supposed to be a flippant and humorous thread. I just watched "The Boys From Brazil" this weekend. I think that an interesting point that was brought out is that cloning only makes a physical duplicate. For the person's theocratic qualities to be brought to the fore, the individual who was cloned would have to give a detailed history of their life and then all of those details followed in order to bring the clone to the same point in life as they develop to the adult stage. Of course, in the movie, they were trying to create another Hitler. The boys were all nearly 14 and the mission was to kill their fathers because Hitler lost his father at that age. It was an interesting spin and I thought that AMC was spot-on by choosing to broadcast the movie this week.
Just an observation...
Let's look at certain "examples" in the organization. We are always told about how certain ones are to be imitated. If some Governing Body members were cloned, can you imagine who a person could be just like? You want to be just like Milton Henschel??? We can clone you to be like him......You want to be like Theodore Jaracz??? DONE. You want to be the duplicate of Sam Herd??? Get in line....You think that the Circuit Overseer's wife is the sweetest person you've ever met??? We can arrange the change..... It would be so much easier if all Witnesses could be cloned. But, the more I think about it, the more I realize, this really isn't necessary.
My prediction is that the Watchtower Society will rid itself of all undesireables and clone "theocratic" "ones". Imagine perfect little boys and girls! Perfect mothers and fathers. Perfect single people. All united with one thought! ......Do you think this would make the Governing Body happy???
It would have the added advantage that "this generation" could be kept around for as long as necessary
CLONE CULT LEADER CLAIMS THOUSANDS ON WAITING LIST.....Today's headline of the DRUDGE REPORT.....See, I told you the Watchtower Society is behind this.....