Why do they miss out Tamworth?

by ozziepost 8 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • ozziepost

    In Australia, Hospital Liaison Committees "function in over 20 major cities".

    The WTS publication " JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Guidelines for their non-blood medical management " lists those 20 major cities as:

    Perth (WA)

    Darwin (NT)

    Adelaide (SA)

    Cairns, Townsville, Mackay, Rockhampton, Bundaberg, Brisbane (Qld)

    Dubbo, Orange, Lithgow, Griffith, Wagga Wagga, Sydney, Newcastle, Albury (with Wodonga) (NSW)

    Melbourne, Wodonga (with Albury) (VIC)

    Launceston, Hobart (TAS)

    Among the cities not represented is Tamworth in northern New South Wales. This large country city has a Base Hospital, as does Dubbo, Orange, and Wagga, yet has no HLC representation.

    Presumably it's not considered necessary, but I wonder why not?

    Cheers, Ozzie (of the curious class)

  • Debz

    Ozzie ~

    I`m only guessing here but it may have something to do with privatisation of Public Hospitals! Most country towns (one of which I am in - Victoria) has been sold out to private corporate services - mainly USA / UK based companies. Naturally as this happens the public get less and less of a say in how their hospital business is managed and you then find that any `community focused` committees that are / were voluntary no longer run.....This has been my observation in the Hospitals around my area in fact, they want to take over even all the smaller Community Health Care Centres too.....I could be wrong but thats my observations of what is happening on a nationwide scale.....

  • ozziepost

    That's a point, Debz, but it doesn't include Tamworth which has a Base Hospital.

    You may be interested to know that one large teaching hospital in Sydney has been assigned no less than three HLC representatives, perhaps because they've learned what doctors already know; many dubs are secretly having blood transfusions there on condition that it can be done away from the sight of a HLC member!

    Cheers, Ozzie

  • Debz

    Hmmmm yes interesting Ozzie........Maybe your local politician can fill you in on the reasons there is none in Tamworth...(maybe they don`t like country and western music?)

  • ozziepost

    Back to the top for the Aussies - now they're awake!

  • refiners fire
    refiners fire

    well it was said of Christ: "Can anything good come out of Galilee?"

    So perhaps it is now said: "Can anything worthwhile come out of Tamworth?"


  • Dark Knight
    Dark Knight


    How is it that you know that some JW's are having blood tansfusions without the HLC being aware of it?
    Is this definitaly a fact?


  • ozziepost

    Now Dark Knight, you know I'm no kidder! But revealing the source would not be wise, eh? Suffice to say it's been confirmed and it's at state government bureaucracy level, OK?

  • ozziepost

    This thread is the second in a series. I will post another section later which gives the instructions for HLCs and ER doctors, the "Protocol" as it's called.


    Cheers, Ozzie

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