In Australia, Hospital Liaison Committees "function in over 20 major cities".
The WTS publication " JEHOVAH'S WITNESSES Guidelines for their non-blood medical management " lists those 20 major cities as:
Perth (WA)
Darwin (NT)
Adelaide (SA)
Cairns, Townsville, Mackay, Rockhampton, Bundaberg, Brisbane (Qld)
Dubbo, Orange, Lithgow, Griffith, Wagga Wagga, Sydney, Newcastle, Albury (with Wodonga) (NSW)
Melbourne, Wodonga (with Albury) (VIC)
Launceston, Hobart (TAS)
Among the cities not represented is Tamworth in northern New South Wales. This large country city has a Base Hospital, as does Dubbo, Orange, and Wagga, yet has no HLC representation.
Presumably it's not considered necessary, but I wonder why not?
Cheers, Ozzie (of the curious class)