I can't wait to see the new BOE letters regarding changes to how they handle child abuse

by Wild_Thing 2 Replies latest jw friends

  • Wild_Thing

    You know they are coming. Surely this thing is Australia will force them to make official policy changes, right? Surely, they will see the fallacy of their ways, and attempt to redeem themselves, right? Certainly, they must now see how they have a moral obligation to report abuse to the authorities, regardless of if there is a legal obligation, right?

    How long will I have to hold my breath before I see new BOE letters information the elders they must change their ways?

  • Phizzy

    Yup, they will use weasel words and Spin, but at least any change is welcome. I wouldn't mind betting the tone will be that Elders did not really understand in the past what they should do, so now we are lovingly spelling it out for you thicko Goons.

    Blame the Elders, as well as leave the Elders to pick up Legal Bills if possible.

    Wouldn't it be ironic if they actually started a Compensation Fund, after all these years of us calling their donations the Paedophile Compensation Fund or similar. I wouldn't be surprised if they had the brass neck to do something like that.

  • sir82

    How long will I have to hold my breath before I see new BOE letters information the elders they must change their ways?

    How large is your lung capacity?

    I'd say you'll be waiting decades at least.

    Unless there is financial incentive for the WTS to get "new light" on policy. In which case you won't have time to blink.

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