Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania (Incorporated 1884)
President Don A. Adams
Vice Presidents Robert W. Wallen, William F. Malenfant
Secretary/Treasurer Richard E. Abrahamson
Directors Danny L. Bland, Philip D. Wilcox, John N. Wischuk
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, Inc. (Incorporated 1909)
President Max H. Larson
Vice Presidents George M. Couch, Lonnie R. Schilling
Secretary/Treasurer Gerald F. Simonis
Directors Gerald D. Grizzle, David G. Sinclair, Robert M. Pevy
Christian Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses (Incorporated 2000)
President William L. Van De Wall
Vice Presidents Charles I. Woody, Leon Weaver, Jr.
Secretary/Treasurer William H. Nonkes
Directors Harold K. Jackson, Merton V. Campbell, Stanley F. Weigel
Religious Order of Jehovah's Witnesses (Incorporated 2000)
President Patrick J. LaFranca
Vice Presidents Peter D. Molchan, Ralph E. Walls
Secretary/Treasurer Joseph D. Mercante
Directors Marvin G. Smalley, Kenneth J. Pulcifer, Eugene D. Rosam, Jr.
Kingdom Support Services, Inc. (Incorporated 2000)
President Harold L. Corkern
Vice Presidents Alan D. Janzen, Robert L. Butler
Secretary/Treasurer Alexander W. Reinmueller
Directors James F. Mantz, Jr., Thomas Kalimeris, Alan G. Browning
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New Jersey, Inc. (Incorporated 1955)
President Charles V. Molohan
Vice Presidents James L. Bauer, J. Richard Brown
Secretary/Treasurer Alan K. Flowers
Directors Allen E. Shuster, David L. Walker, Vernon C. Wisegarver
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of Florida, Inc. (Incorporated 1986)
President Leonard R. Pearson
Vice Presidents Alejandro G. Rodriguez, Maurice C. Turcot
Secretary/Treasurer Mark L. Questell
Directors Jim Moody, Sr., Anselm J. Packnett, Donald R. Krebs
Valley Farms Corporation (Incorporated 1987)
President Charles J. Rice
Vice Presidents Kent E. Fischer, Robert L. Rains
Secretary/Treasurer Albert L. Harrell
Directors John R. Strandberg, Samuel D. Buck, Louis A. Travis