I`m talking about the Icons beside a posters name so you can see the threads they`ve started,and posts they`ve made to threads.It`s near impossible to find anything. I can`t find other posters posts or threads...OUTLAW
Where did they go?
by OUTLAW 5 Replies latest jw friends
I know, I was just looking for that
Hi Outlaw - hope your not too snowed in up in the mountains !
The icons have been temporarily removed, as Simon is about to upload the new forum software (hopefully sometime over the next few days) - he has taken a few things off, like the icons and the links at the bottom so that there is less to convert. They will be back promise!
Hey Angharad,thanks your a sweetheart..Actually I was down on the coast this last week visiting my kids for Christmas.When I came back last night I found we had a 6 inch snow fall the day before.It`s beautiful,it looks like a christmas post card.The weather report says we are do for heavy snow fall in the next few days,I got home just in time.The lake is now frozen and 2 ski-do`s just went by my front window..Time to break out the ski-do`s,YA-HOO!!..LOL!..Happy New Year to you,Simon,and the boy`s...OUTLAW
Hi OUTLAW! I believe you can still access the posts in the members list. Blueblades
oops! They are gone OUTLAW! sorry .Blueblades