Aloha!! Rachel's (Princess) husband, Steve, spent much of last night at the hospital here, in Kahuku. He has strep throat and they had him on an IV for 3 hours, before he came home. He is much better today. and they think he will recover quickly. They are planning a deep sea dive on Thursday, so he HAS to get well FAST!! The rest of us have spent the day in the surf, riding boogie boards. Even the kids are riding waves and getting wiped out. They don't seem to mind a bit, and get up laughing. It's gin and tonic time, so I am signing off. I will tell about our anniversary surprise yesterday, later, when I feel like being on the computer instead of having fun with the gang.
It's not all fun in the sun, here in Hawaii!!
by Mulan 7 Replies latest jw friends
Golden Girl
Well....I'm secretly saying..."SNOT!".. But I am glad someone' s having a good time!..Enjoy the sun and surf..Wish we were there..
Snoozy...aka Golden Girl..
Sorry to hear about Steve's sickness. I know it ain't no fun being sick, especially when you're on vacation and supposed to be enjoying yourself. But then again, would I rather be sick at home or in Hawaii?..... I think I'll take Hawaii!!! Glad you and Bigred had a nice anniversary. Princess gave us all a heads up that you guys were getting a we're all anxious to hear what it was. Have fun and have a drink for us!
Keep up the endurance!
An IV for a strep throat? My kids when they get strep throat just get antibiotics. Was his that bad? Hope he is feeling better, strep really hurts.
Glad you guys are having fun, and looking forward to hearing what this surprise is.....
Mrs. Shakita
Next time,pack me in your suit case..I wanna come!
Steve is doing much better tonight, and ate a big dinner.
The doctor wanted him on an IV because his strep was pretty advanced. I think he had been ignoring it for a few days, and they are concerned with heart problems, with strep infections, and he was very dehydrated.
All part of the memory, eh? After all, a plain old trip to Hawaii, everything working out just like planned, no delays or that would be boring.
Glad that Red is feeling better, and that you both are having a good time!