It just seems like humankind "didn't get it" when the creator tried to deal with us as a Nation, and humankind "didn't get it" when Michael came and lived like a man amidst us. All we have now is the various translations of stuff written down by men in their language of the time. We still "don't get it".
Things just happen to us because we are living the human life. Unless we have been especially appointed or blessed, we are not promised that our lives will be filled with all good, or that we will be punnished for making wrong choices. When I was little, I was taught that if I was a very good girl, that I would be blessed with a good and happy life. I did my very best, and found that life was unfair, and life was cruel sometimes, and that bad things happen to good people. I learned people who didn't give a hoot, and just lived their life received the same as I got, and even were much better off.
Even Jesus had to learn his lessons and pass through the experience.
This is where the journey of the soul comes in. I truly believe that we live as humans many times, and we experience many things. It is necessary to experience everything at one time or another, so that we can fulfill our destiny and be prepared to meet our creators, once our journey is complete. So, whatever it is that we must endure, or whatever lesson it is that we need to learn, we will benefit in the end from facing it head on. Therefore, in order to learn, we must experience. Experience means that we "go through" something. We don't avoid it in the end We aren't protected from it. But, we use our tools of heart and mind, to push on through it and move on. That's life. Sometimes when looking at the outside of a persons life, we conclude that they have no problems. Believe me, they do. Get to know someone, and you will find out.
As regards Job, perhaps it was the time for him to learn the lesson of bad health, loss, grief, desolation. Perhaps it was one of his lessons. Since we can see that he had a good reputation and was well known as a good and faithful man, this would surely test his faith in the promise to come. And after suffering all these tragedies, his life turned around. He married and had more children, but nothing could make his life exactly like it had been. Could this story have actually been discussing "two separate human lives of Job"? Could that be a possibility? Maybe. If so, then there is a lot of information that is missing. But that would also not be too unusual. There is a lot of information that is mixed up, incomplete, inhanced upon, and cut out of the "bible", so that our perceptions, concepts and faith is distorted from the real events of those days.