The Third World Factor/Watchtower

by metatron 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • metatron

    In relation to the Watchtower's decline, in money and doctrine, the third world factor
    rarely is brought up. Originally, Witnesses were mostly American and European but
    growth in the Third World changed that.

    Clearly, they are having problems with rot in the Western nations but still can exploit
    growth in countries that are poor, afflicted, - and lacking widespread internet access.

    So, besides the inability to defend their own doctrine - as a accumulated patchwork
    of speculative ideas - they are forced to dumb down everything to fit the reading level
    of the barely literate. Heck, I recall that the Awake even compared one of their
    booklets to a comic book ( 'Enjoy Life'?)

    In addition, most of the cash flow is likely to come from rich nations - suffering
    from sagging meeting attendance. Little Nkomo, who sells his chickens to contribute
    to the Watchtower cause isn't likely to fund any new printing presses. Poor nations
    ,sadly, are usually bottomless pits of needs - and wracked with oppression - rather
    than sources of strength. Contrary to Watchtower myth, persecution DOES strongly
    inhibit growth and , if sudden, can decimate a branch and congregations.

    The future? Dumber, simpler, poorer - with a leadership that will always repeat
    'please be assured of our Christian love' - while quietly compromising when money
    troubles get in the way ( Malawi/Mexico).

    and if this cloning/biotech stuff accelerates in Western nations, who knows?
    JWs may go the way of the buggy whip, slide rules, and the Edsel.

    so be it


  • Francois

    The poor nations are populated with people to whom cults are virtually irresistible: the oppressed, the poor, the lost, those with little hope for whom the present is terrible and who are yearning for change. The industrial west has fewer and fewer of this type of person. Plus, compulsory minimum education has taught these people much more than enough to make them aware of what a scam the WTBTS is running on them.

    When these people in the west read Deut 18:20-22 and are told plainly not to fear a prophet whose prophecies don't come true; and then who can look at a list of a hundred years worth of failed prophecies, these people aren't happy with just accepting the latest bullshit flip flop and beyond-belief excuse from the GB.

    But the third world countries are packed with people who are dying for an infallible leader with an extravagant hope. That would be the WTBTS. And like all charlatans everywhere, the GB has no compunction whatever of taking food from the mouths of babes if that's where the contributions are coming from. Just like every other cult.

    The WTBTS is a cult and I say *deleted* 'em.


    Edited by - francois on 31 December 2002 10:21:17

    Edited by - Englishman on 31 December 2002 10:53:26

  • reporter

    An idyllic countryside New England paradise with sheep not being eaten by lions and wolves and kids playing over snake holes certainly holds more appeal than the squalor of the Third World.

  • Marcos


    The Third World/Watchtower factor

    Very true. The growth of the WT and the Mormons is, by all reports phenomenal here in Mexico.

    I see at as a backlash to Catholicism. People are not happy with the church/state coziness in this "secular" nation of the past and are looking for ANY way to change.


  • Marcos

    P.S. Metatron,

    We're not all "third world types" here in Mexico and Latin America. We have a burgeoning, well-educated middle class. Some of us even have computers!

    Damn! Gotta go. Have to chase those pinche pigs out of mama's kitchen again!


    Edited by - marcos on 31 December 2002 14:18:2

  • Wren

    It seems like all that's left leading WT is the legal dept. and the bean counters. Is maintaining the stats the priority now?

    Keep the numbers up with third world converts. This keeps the active members comfortable in developed nations which maintains the money flow.

    I'm guessing an increasingly heavier focus maintaining the statistics in the future by:

    The third world six-month-study-and-your-in converts but little $ spent there. In developed nations: Pushing big magazine routes. Have studys which last for years, counting time on studys with inactive ones until they are active, whenever that may be. Spend months gathering up seat takers for the memorial. Have no limit on family studies hrs. Set up 10 hour a month free for any creative billboard witnessing(think Christmas outside decorations but using a WT & Awakes display. My aunt actually pulled this stunt).

    This trend started few years ago, it would not surprise me if it continues. (edited: can't form a sentence)

    Edited by - wren on 31 December 2002 15:26:32

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