I have been waiting for you to tell us of Sean!!
I am so happy he is sticking to his guns!!
I had the, You know what The Truth is! Thrown at me by a sister I love when I was young.
It made me feel like I was doing something wrong by not being JW.
Thing is as you pointed out Seans dad is cold and doesnt even call him! Same with this sister.
She was real cold and my family were atheist and I was a teen. Youd think she and others would have visited regularly to encourage me.
You are Seans father and he doesnt need another one. You are spiritually guiding him not Mr.Sperm donor.
Sean is very blessed to have you Sir and I pray he can remain strong in his choice of worship to his Creator.
Since I have been severely damaged by The Jehovah Witness Religion I dont know if I could actually be Catholic or any Religion BUT, I will say The Catholic Church as more charity for its people and for NON Catholics then the JW Religion has. There are Catholic Missionaries and so they are spreading The Good News in their own way. They have mercy for repentant sinners with the provision of confession without worry of harsh punishment. For those who have a hard time forgiving themselves my understanding is youre assigned so many prayers or something to recite. People would be surprised how having such a thing could help heal the soul and broken heart. Often a person although forgiven by God cannot forgive himself or herself. In Ancient Israel there were sacrifices to give that helped ease the conscience. As a JW this was made fun of but, I can see how it is truly loving and helpful to the down hearted.
Give Sean a ((((Hug)))) from me.
He is a very brave young man.
Thank-you for sharing Yeru.