What if we put God on trial?
Of course God cannot be put on trial by humans, and I doubt that he would submit to any subpoena from a human court. But, what if we were able to do such a thing? What should he be charged with, if anything?
If my child were sick, and I did not get that child to a doctor, I could be charged with neglect. In fact, in many states, if you see someone you don't know who is injured, you are required to assist, or face charges of homicide.
If my child is in trouble because of doing wrong, I must discipline them properly. In some states parents can now be held liable for the conduct of their children.
If someone is trying to harm my child, and I fail to protect as a loving parent would, then again I can face legal problems of neglect.
If I leave my child in a car while running into the grocery store, or leave my child to fend for themselves at home for days or weeks at a time while I travel about, I can be charged with abandonment.
We are taught that humans are children of God, and that God is by definition --- love. We face a hostile world where sickness, disease, war, crime, and ignorance all too often prevail. Where is God? Where is the parent of the human race? Who has the power in his hands to effectively deal with our ills? Why does it seem like God is out of town doing his thing while we are left to fend for ourselves?
Some may argue that we cannot judge God by human standards. I disagree for a fundamental reason ... the Bible says we are made in his image and likeness ... feature understood by most all theologians even the JW leaders as having God's attributes of love, justice, wisdom, and power. The WTS often has cited the human conscience as being fairly universal when it comes to discerning right and wrong because God built within us this basic sense of moral judgment.
Should God be put on trial? What do you think? - Simply Amazing