Child Abuse Making headlines on 01 01 2003

by Rado Vleugel 1 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • Rado Vleugel
    Rado Vleugel

    The first news-story involving Jehovahs Witnesses this year is a sad report about sexual child-abuse

    Suit charges church coverup -Jehovah's Witness group is blamed in abuse of girl A 14-year-old Dorchester girl and her parents are suing the Jehovah's Witnesses, arguing that the religious group covered up the girl's sexual abuse by a Bible study leader and discouraged her parents from reporting the abuse to police or prosecutors.

    Read the whole story on + more articles on this sad issue.

    Rado Vleugel

    Edited by - Rado Vleugel on 1 January 2003 12:15:28

  • Truth2Me

    WOW, the cases presented were from the Boston Globe, the very respected Newspaper from the Boston, MA, USA area. While I'm not familiar with that congregation in Dorchester (Dorchester is technically in Boston) The NH case is so close to home for me it's scary.

    The brother in prison from the Wilton Congregation....I never knew him, but I was from the Milford congregation, and we met in the Wilton fact, years ago, they were one congregation, that split a long long time ago. I had heard that a few years ago, something happened with the Wilton Congregation, and the elders were removed and the CO brought in new elders, a fresh start so to speak, but I never did hear why that happened....and like a good little Witness, I didn't ask because it was none of my business.

    The thing morning when we were out in service, working territory in the town of Wilton, a brother and one went to a door and the householder freaked out. She started screaming at us that an elder molester her as a child....(she was an adult) we walked away totally baffled....because we could not imagine that would happen, and neither of us had heard anything about it (the brother I was working with was a young a teenager and I was new "to the Truth."

    I wonder now, if that woman was involved in the lawsuit against the Wilton Congregation. I guess I'll never knew because I'm Df'd so I've got no inside info (I don't have any family in the truth, it was just me.)


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