From The First Book of Adam and Eve (also known as The Conflict of Adam and Eve with Satan) (chapter 18):
(The Forgotten Books of Eden, World Bible Publishers, 1926) [A collection of apocryphal writings]When the accursed serpent saw Adam and Eve, it swelled its head, stood on its tail, and with eyes blood-red, did as if it would kill them.
It made straight for Eve, and ran after her; while Adam standing by, wept because he had no stick in his hand wherewith to smite the serpent, and knew not how to put it to death.
But with a heart burning for Eve, Adam approached the serpent, and held it by the tail; when it turned towards him and said unto him--
"O Adam, because of thee and of Eve, I am slippery, and go upon my belly." Then by reason of its great strength, it threw down Adam and Eve and pressed upon them, as if it would kill them.
But God sent an angel who threw the serpent away from them, and raised them up.
Then the Word of God came to the serpent, and said unto it, "In the first instance I made thee glib, and made thee go upon thy belly; but I did not deprive thee of speech.
"Now, however, be thou dumb; and speak no more, thou and thy race; because in the first place, has the ruin of my creatures happened through thee, and now thou wishest to kill them."
Then the serpent was struck dumb, and spake no more.
And a wind came to blow from heaven by command of God that carried away the serpent from Adam and Eve, threw it upon the sea shore, and it landed in India.
Edited by - onacruse on 1 January 2003 22:25:9