Not really JW related, but when has this stopped any of us before. Representative Charlie Rangel has been calling for the draft to be reinstituted. Folks, this just ain't gonna happen. His motives, he admits, is to stir up anti-war sentiment. Yet, his proposal he says is to "benefit the military" by spreading the responsibility. His contention is that the military is made up of minorities and poor white kids who didn't sign up to fight wars, but rather signed up for job opportunities. I can speak from a wealth of experience that he lacks when I say BULLSHI(P)! I'm an Advanced Individual Training (AIT) Instructor. I get these kids right out of basic training, I talk to them. Sure, we have minorities, in fact, African Americans make up almost 25% of the military force. I've not run into a single active duty soldier who looks at the military as a JOB first. Every single one knew coming into this thing that they would likely face combat in their career, even if it was only for a three year hitch.
Some of the Reserve and National Guard were under the misconception that they wouldn't have to go to war, but the overwhelming vast majority of the reservists and N G's knew coming into this that their primary calling in the military was to deter war, and should that fail to fight and win in combat.
The military doesn't need a draft, we need more money. Not just higher pay (which would help) but better equipment and more money for training. During the Kosovo campaign we weren't able to employ what would have been our most effective weapon (attack helicopters) because the crews didn't have enough cockpit time, nor had most of them ever flown with a full combat load.
The volunteer army we have now is a highly effective force. While not disparaging what the drafted armies of WWII Korea, and Veitnam did, the force we have today is generally more highly motivated and for sure more highly educated. In one of the classes I taught recently, over half had some kind of college, fully 1/4 had some type of degree, 3 had Master's Degrees, and on soldier held 3 master's degrees. These soldiers weren't forced to serve for economic reasons, but choose to serve to protected and defend the US.
Rangel and company, if they want to support the military, need to come up with more money, but they need to stop mudding the waters for political gain.