Jehovah's Witnesses Headquarters Refuses to Answer Questions about Royal Commission

by Esse quam videri 9 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Esse quam videri
    Esse quam videri

    Well worth listening to if you have not already.

  • barry
    Is that a latino accent it doesn't sound american ?
  • Island Man
    Island Man
    Is that a latino accent it doesn't sound american?

    That sounds like a Chinese accent. She could be South Korean, Taiwanese, Hong Kong, etc.

  • Esse quam videri
    Esse quam videri
    I think Chinese. The kind that can get hot tempered very quickly.
  • freddo

    Get past the accent and the being put on hold and the round and round the houses.

    It is very very good.

    The brother - don't forget this is a service desk elder - is like a whipped puppy. Just hear his embarrassed voice.

  • smiddy

    Obviously a set up , yet at the same time it shows how Elders cant handle the hard questions , and how they try to manipulate the situation.

    Suggesting the media is wrong / lying etc. , not knowing if G.Jackson is in Australia ,or not ? c`mon , pull the other leg.

    Maybe we in Australia should all call the Aussie branch office wondering what`s going on and commenting how the Holy Spirit didn`t come to the aid of those Elders who took the stand to answer the Royal Commission .

    It was not a very good witness.

    In fact it was pathetic

    P.S. Whats the focus on what nationality the woman is , eh?


  • Esse quam videri
    Esse quam videri

    P.S. Whats the focus on what nationality the woman is , eh?

    Just small talk. Curiosity.

  • username

    InformAnt and several others have done the same and all have hit a brick wall. If this is the true religion then surely they can stand up to this heat?!


  • scary21
    Sounds like he's heard it 1000 x and he's soooooo tired ..........he's thinking " just shoot me now''
  • joe134cd
    Yup sounds to me like he's "never heard of the term theocratic warfare" also. Oh and I'm also surprised that he didn't tell the caller "that if she decides to fade she won't be viewed negatively by those in the congregation".

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