Give credit, good or bad, where it is due

by whyhideit 5 Replies latest jw friends

  • whyhideit

    This might sound familiar


    A family in the Kingdom Hall is having some troubles with money. They are hardly making enough to feed the family and pay bills, because something has happened in their lives that is financially devastating. The congregation gets together and soon they provide the family with meals, extra work to make money and even a ride to the meetings to save on gas. Who is given credit for these actions? It was Jehovah's blessing of course!

    Think about the above example and think of what it is a mirror reflection of below.

    A man starts having problems in his marriage. He decides to respond to the advancements of a female workmate and soon he starts having extra martial sex. This troubles his conscience in time, and he goes to the elders and confesses his sins and ask for forgiveness from his wife and Jehovah. Who is given credit for these actions? It was the temptation of Satan and his world of course!

    So I want to know

    According to the Bible and Jehovahs Witnesses, are we to think that we are nothing more then puppets who get pulled by strings to do good and bad? Depending on the master, who is running the show at this moment in our lives?

    Can humans actually do something good to another human and take credit for it? Can they actually say, "I am a good person and I wanted to help someone and God had nothing to do with it?"

    Can a human being actually do something wrong and say, "I did this action, I wanted it and I knew it was wrong? There is no one to blame but me?"

    It seems to me that is a big step to overcome in life, as an Ex-Jw or anything else. To actually admit that we have control over our own actions and we cannot go around pointing fingers at others for making us do something as if it is beyond our control. God did not make you a Witness. You did!* The Devil did not make you get Disfellowshiped, Disassociated, or inactive. You did!

    Personal responsibility is so hard to come by in our day and age, and few people seem to want it. It is so much easier to just say "God made me do good, and Satan made me do bad." I think it is time to give credit to where credit is due and remember an old congregation illustration that went "when you point fingers, remember you have three more pointing back at you." So to me, to truly accept our place in this world and move forward. We must first accept the responsibility and control we have over it. If you want to truly change into the person you hope to be, you need to accept who is holding the reigns, and stop trying to pretend that they are in the hands of someone else.

    "Give credit, good or bad, where it is due."

    *Knowing this might cause people to say, "my parents made me do it." I would like to point out that children are prone to please. This is the innocents of youth! Often we grow up and learn that we made many mistakes as childern, and even as adults. This could be due to lack of proper knowledge and information or child-like insecurities to please. In all though, we made the decision to join the religion based on the information we had at the time.

    Edited by - whyhideit on 3 January 2003 3:33:46

  • A Paduan
    A Paduan

    Based on the information we had at the time ? Sounds like they didn't have a choice.

    Give credit where it's due.

    Sure they didn't join thinking that the jws had something ? - like a spiritual shelter - and why would someone need shelter from fire if they could have "tested their metal" regardless of influences.

    The jw lack of giving to the poor or their enemy does not hold up in the fire, and it's the very reason people seek the shelter instead.


    Edited by - a paduan on 3 January 2003 5:49:39

  • link


    That is a well reasoned and well thought out post.

    It is my belief that you have touched on a major point in your penultimate sentence where you speak of child like insecurities.

    What happens to us, and the experiences that we have in childhood, play a very significant role in where we go and what we do as adults.

    This holds true not only for converts but for those born into the religion also.

    We are able to make decisions and be accountable but there are lots of provisos. We need to be aware of what the choices are and have a need and desire to make changes before we can take any action. The basics are sometime lacking because of childhood experiences and we would far rather have the security of what we know or what we are told than venture out and "get hurt".

    It is far easier and much more comfortable for some to just let things happen around them and blame the good on God and the bad on satan.


  • Granny Linda
    Granny Linda

    And for those of us who lived through abuse at the hands of religion, we do learn about self responsibility. Seems like that would have to be one of the first steps of recovery. Accepting that any change desired must come from within...and right there you are at odds with JW's.

    On the flip side it's rather funny how some react when you tell them you are your own god/goddess. That the buck stops HERE! Wow. What a concept, eh. Too, the older I get the more I understand it's not about Them so much as it is about Me. So I'm learning to "live and let live." Just don't shit in my home...whomever you be.

    Hey, I don't have a problem today admitting that I'm a good person. I'm also capable of great anger. It's all about self discovery. You might not always like what ya see, but by golly, know and own your person.

    Good topic, thanks.


  • mouthy

    Since leaving the Borg. I now know I am responsible for my own actions good or bad. I do in fun say "the devil made me do it" Flip Wilson became a legend with that expression.I am a "copy cat" but yes! I know now !what ever I do- I am resposible for it. I do though get up every day,& ask MY God( In my opinion is Jesus Christ)To guide ,lead, & direct me in my daily walk.....But as any child fleshly or spiritually -I do sometimes screw up.... & do my own thing.....Then I have to pay the consquences......I dont blame God....But it is a good topic-I have many in our group that IS blaming God for letting them become JWs......Where as I always say- We listened to man- we are warned NOT to listen to man 2 cents as always.

  • meadow77

    First I would like to say AMEN SISTA to mouthy. I also think it is important to draw a line between giving God glory, and being able to pat yourslef on the back once in awhile. While God calls us to be humble, he did not call us to have broken spirits. We are instructed to love one another as we love ourselves. How can you love someone else fully, while having contempt for yourself. The witnesses put a high value on not exalting yourself, and in my experiences, especially with rank and file women, I see low lowwl loww self esteem. God created us, not because he had to, but because he wanted to, he gave us a paradise to live in, he gave Adam a companion because he didn't want him to be lonely, and when the rules got to hard to follow, he sent his son to die for us. He talks all the time about blessing us and the great love he has for us. Does this sound like a God who wants us to never feel good about ourselves and the things we do for others? I love God, and I consider all of the blessings I have to have come from him. I don't give him credit because I feel I don't deserve to be called a good person, but I do so because I love him. I know too that he rejoices when we have love in our hearts for others, he knows this is a choice we make, and I believe he is proud of us.

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