I just had to repost this...didnt we ALL think this delusionally??
"McPatrick" said: (in reply to a post) http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/forum/thread.aspx?id=43858&site=3&page=1
"Just my two cents here for what it's worth. Personally I think it's great that you're in doubt. Sharp mind there! I've been to a few sites about JW now that aren't made by JW and it's almost hylaric to see that all these sites practice just the things they accuse JW of. I saw some 'smart' sites that will show you some real lines out of JW publications to show a point, but then they are used in a context that they weren't meant for.
I have read some posts..."horrible stories' about kids being forced to attend family studies for 4 hours a week or more, apart from going to the meetings. And yes, if you one didn't like them it must have been some boring hours. Even JW are just people I guess and every parent does his own thing , does what he or she thinks is right.
Apart from how individual people fill in their life and how they raise their kids and bring them up in a believe they think is right, I haven't seen a religion that has had so much to endure and has so much opposition as JW. It's almost like JW's are the nagging conscience of the world and the world would like to squash that little voice in their heads (that keeps showing up at their front door) so they can finally do whatever they please.
Oh, you think..he must be a JW to say these things. And you are right. I am. I'm not proud of it, but I will say that I have been inactive for quite a few years now. In this period there has been absolutely no pressure from anyone to return or anything of the sort. And after all these years it can't be said that I am just a JW because I am being pushed or haven't got the time to stop and look around.
I have had this pause now and been busy with work and the things that seem to be important in this world, but it doesn't bring real satisfaction. You can say I have had time to see the world outside of JW and I have had my time inside. I have a free will and can choose now. The choice really isn't hard anymore, and the clear untruths that I have read about JW on sites like this have made the decission even easier. Still one shouldn't choose a religion because it is so impopular in the world, even though that in itself already takes a strong character, but based on facts or maybe even more on its results. There are endless wars in the world. Rapes, theft, murders you name them. I cannot honestly think of a religion I could be part of and know in my heart that even though these things go on..at least I know it wasn't one of my fellow believers, other than JW.
All in all the last little thing I needed was to see sites like this one I guess. It's ironic of course..I will agree, the fact that this anti-JW site can help someone go back or become a JW, but then again I guess someone that really seeks the truth can either directly find it or rule out all the untruthfull places he encounters.
To make a long story short...if you have a nagging doubt...be open..take your time..investigate..don't let other people tell you what to do (errr, including me :o) ).
Have wisdom!
ps. I'm glad it's a Saturday...off to the first meeting in years again tomorrow and I am looking forward to it!"
Does this thinking make YOUR stomach turn the way it does MINE??
Edited by - LovesDubs on 5 January 2003 9:3:22