My wife attended our young friends wedding last night. This is the one where I was uninvited after she learned I had DAed myself.
She went with a recently reinstated friend that we really like. Since being reinstated our friend feels that people are still being very unkind to her. Sitting in judgement and all that. So by my wife going with her it sort of made a point I hope.
Anyway only a couple of people had silly comments to make. One started off by telling her that meeting times have been changed and before he could continue Jill laughed in his face. She said "why would you think I would care about that for crying out loud" and laughed again. Another person said "you know I'll always be your friend". Again Jill laughed and told her "if you are my friend why haven't you called me in two years?"
It's nice to see my meek little wife has grown a backbone. Maybe all these years with me have paid off finally?
But the rest of the evening was spent chitchatting with old friends that were very nice. She actually enjoyed herself. She also feels so sorry for the younger ones. So many of them look very unhappy.
Oh and when anyone asked how I was doing her standard reply was "Al is doing great, he has never been happier" and then she'd brag about something I have done since leaving.