Merry Christmas to my Husband

by orangefatcat 8 Replies latest jw friends

  • orangefatcat

    Marco my sweetie is celebrating Christmas today as he is Greek Orthodox and today is the day that the Eastern Orthodox Church celebrate the festival of the baptism of Christ Jesus.

    So Marco my dear


    l Love you

    your orangefatcat. xoxoxo

  • Shakita

    Merry Christmas, Marco!

    When I was growing up, we had next door neighbors who were Greek Orthodox, and they celebrated their Christmas after we did, too. I always thought that was a very smart thing to do because you can take advantage of all those "after-christmas" sales!

    Mrs. Shakita

  • LovesDubs

    Ooooopah!!! Merry Christmas Marco! What do the JWs think of the GREEK version of Xmas since it ISNT on the Saturnalia?? Anybody know?

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    I come from a very large Greek family... and most parts of it are celebrating Christmas today. I always thought it was a good idea, too, however when yer a JW you don't have any choice about *any* Christmas! Kalimera, Marcos! And to all the Hellenics out there, Merry Christmas! <sparkle sparkle>

    Country Girl

  • cruzanheart

    Hey, I'm half Greek! Kali mera to all you Greeks out there. My maternal grandfather was a Greek Orthodox priest, but he died before I was born and Mom became a Witness so I didn't get to see anything of the Greek Orthodox philosophies. Love the food, though, and the culture!


  • orangefatcat

    Me too I love the Greek food. Thank God Marco was never a Jehovah's witness. Before he met me he had respect for all religions but when he saw how and what the JWs do to people and their families he has no respect for them and he wouldn't have any problem telling them that if they should show up at our door.

    Its nice for me because I get to celebrate two Christmas' and that is real cool. Greeks are wonderful people and warm and I love them. Marco has three children grown. Two have nothing to do with him they are rats. But is baby she is 39 is a beautiful girl and she calls me mom and her boys three of them 18, 16,13, my instant grandsons call me grandma. They are great. I love them all.

    To all fellow Greeks Merry Christmas and God Bless.


  • Country Girl
    Country Girl

    Hey Cruzan! I didn't know you were half Greek! Guess we didn't get to talk much at the Dallas thingy... A Greek PRIEST? Thats the worst! When my folks went back to the old country, to the village, after my Mother had become a Witness, she told the priest there that she was a Witness and he immediately spit in the dirt and told her she was going to hell. I saw the videos. I think she went to hell on a donkey. <grin> Hehhehe.. Didn't mince words, that one! My Father never became a Witness and we were raised in a very Greek household, despite the Witness stuff goin on with my Mom (she is Swedish). If you want a REALLY good recipe for Baklava, hit up ole Trauma Hound. He's got the best recipe for it in town. I tried it over the holidays... kinda complicated but worth it! I, too, love the Greek culture and people.. but they do have their drawbacks. (See My Big Fat Greek Wedding for reference). Heheheh.

    Anyway... hope to see you again!


    Country Girl

  • Country Girl
    Country Girl


    Hope you and Marcos have an incredible holiday with his kid and grandkids! The Greeks definitely know how to whoop it up on the holidays! Dance a dance for me, have a sip of Ouzo, and eat tons of pastries for me! I wish I was there! Ooohpah! My Christmas celebratin relatives are in the old country.. and that's a bit far from Texas to travel on the bus.. hehhhe. So you do it for me, kay? Have fun....


  • orangefatcat

    Yasou !

    Country Girl... and to all................................ ooopaahh

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