Will Child Custody Reform the Watchtower?

by metatron 5 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • metatron

    It's a fair question - and one that, I'm sure, concerns the Watchtower's leadership.

    Could child custody cases force the Watchtower to reform their repellent policies?

    I judge that such cases are not restricted in the same way as other more formal court
    proceedings. I also conclude that there could be a deluge of these cases because so many
    Witness families are now breaking up. In addition, I know of many Witness marriages
    RECENTLY that are breaking up with a viciousness that often exceeds 'worldly' divorces.
    Many JW's seem to feel a 'no-holds-bared' attitude is OK , especially if they can view their
    mate as 'out of the truth' and unworthy of any compassion. ( they're all going to die at
    Armageddon, you know).

    So, what will the Society do? Will they keep on suborning perjury, coaching Witness
    children to say that they don't miss Christmas presents? or Halloween? that they feel
    no discomfort not saluting a flag? If the volume of these cases increases, coaching
    deception will become more difficult - and DANGEROUS, if authorities catch them
    ( see the Questions From Readers on swearing an oath - they are worried)

    Will they continue to hold on to the fraudulent blood transfusion issue and encourage
    minors to die?

    Since the majority of Witness kids LEAVE THE 'TRUTH', will they support disfellowshipping
    as healthy - even against evidence that it can severely damage a young person's life or
    encourage suicide?

    Will they assert that Witness life is healthy - WHILE REFUSING TO COOPERATE WITH SURVEYS
    FROM RESEARCHERS that would prove the opposite?

    This area could be their Achilles heal. Precedents could be set herein that undercover
    the facade of Witness 'happiness' and 'freedom'.

    It will be interesting to watch......


  • Pistoff

    I think that some inroads will be made. There is a custody case in the US(?), can't remember where I read about it, maybe here, where the judge absolutely came unglued about the df'ing policy in a custody case; he ruled it as completely harmful and unlawful respecting minor children.

    How sad is it when the civil and governmental authorities lead the way ethically and morally, and churches/religions are OUT TO LUNCH? This is the case respecting child sexual abuse and the shunning of minor children; the WT and the catholic church are completely intractable about their positions, and will only change them due to the pain of lawsuits and exposure in court and media.

    I have had my moments of media hating, but wow, God bless em for investigating and covering sex abuse issues and now shunning of minors.

  • minimus

    Will the Society keep doing these things??? Yeah, why not? Are you just trying to bring up what the Society is doing in their underhanded way? Because the WB&TS won't change their policies unless they see the handwriting on the wall, like the Jimmy Swaggert case....MONEY..If it's not ever going to be a financial consideration, then things will continue as from creation's beginning.

    Edited by - minimus on 6 January 2003 20:33:11

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    The only way to force change on the organization is by hitting them in the pocketbook. In child custody cases it is possible that the random elder could be caught for coaching a witness or even instructing them to lie but I doubt that will affect policy. Unless perhaps there is a high profile national custody case and some of the more seedier aspects of the organization are brought to light. That might go a long way to forcing some much needed change.

  • justhuman

    I agree with minimus. And another thing, why does WT has the best loyers in USA? And hardly no one(Ex-JW) has ever win a case against the WT?

    It is because behind the WT are powers we cannot even imagine

  • metatron

    Guys, guys!

    Slow down and think! The Society has already been coaching witnesses in these cases
    - carefully and surreptiously. This is very risky behavior. They have even had
    a clandestine booklet on the matter - they only let the select few see.

    These kinds of cases present only two choices to the Theocrats: LIE or compromise.

    They will, of course, choose lying - but not without an increasing cost and intensifying
    risk of exposure to legal authorities.

    They can abuse and mistreat adults as they wish - but mistreating children is going to
    hurt them - as it has already.


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